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Everything posted by CalumM

  1. Between the Wednesday night and Thursday night had a good session of imaging before heading up the road today Horsehead nebula, pacman nebula, pinwheel galaxy, orion nebula, pleiades, andromeda galaxy,
  2. Used a x2 barlow, 600mm focal length, roughly 5000 frames using sharpcap
  3. Hi everyone I'm using a zwo 120mm with my 80ed had a go at at some planetary imaging but couldnt seem to get a clear pictures of them and seemed pixelated even after processing in registax Was wondering if anyone had any tips Thanks
  4. I've ended up managing to get the skywatcher one but might take a while to arrive hoping it's soon
  5. What one do you use I'm struggling to get the skywatcher one at the moment
  6. Hi all I am using a skywatcher 80ed and nikon d7200 for imaging, I was looking at the Sky-Watcher .85x Reducer/Flattener for the 80ed, I was wondering if this was the best option for my setup for shooting deepsky objects and if anyone has used this field flattener and had any feedback Thanks
  7. Only stayed for the one night last year but booked for the wednesday to saturday this year
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