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Posts posted by Manners2020

  1. Finally started to teach myself some post processing methods instead of using phone apps. Although a bit over done I'm really pleased with the detail in this pic.  M33 captured a good few months ago . Nexstar evolution 9.25 , zwoasi294 Mc , sharpcap and startools. 158x7 second exposures. Darks and flats applied.


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  2. I didn't  take that as criticism but I would have taken criticism  on here like it was meant to be taken anyway.  I've only just noticed that sattelite  trail myself actually.  The time I have right now for this is precious  little. I've  half heartedly tried  stepping my processing  game up a few times but cant get into it. When my boys a bit older is the time I think I can seriously  try stepping my game up. I've just toned this image down a bit actually  and think I prefer this one.  Still lacking colour but a bit cleaner... thanks.


  3. Just 30 minutes  of 12 second exposures  on this. 9.25 nexstar evolution  and asi294mc.  Snapseed and photoshop  Express.  To my gear out to a dark site with just eyepieces  recently... wow, I had no idea I'd see much detail on andromeda.  Pleadies was pretty impressive  too.

  4. Photobombed  and neighbour's  that insist on flood lighting the sky.  Most detail I've ever got with this target though, I'm really happy with it bar the sky.   First go since last winter with the little wo72mm . Asi294mc  on a evolution mount . 60 lights and 20 each of darks and lights.  Photoshop  express and snapseed. 


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  5. Can't  seem to catch a break with globs. I did this same target awhile  ago with a dslr and it turned out pretty good but really struggle with the settings on the zwo. Also can never seem to go longer than ten minutes before the clouds come. M13 I think it was just over 8 minutes of ten second exposures  with the 9.25 evo and 294mc.


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  6. M33 . I set the gain  way higher than I normally do on this occasion  and it seemed to work well.  I  think I normally worry too much about noise so keep it fairly low. Anyway  field rotation was becoming too much of a problem after half hour  of 18 second exposures.  Zwo294 mc , gain 380, 20 darks and flats.  9.25 nexstar evolution.  Gimp, snapseed, ps express. 


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  7. I've had many attempts  at m101 and this is the best I've managed.  I find this one really hard  to capture and to stretch  for some reason. Anyway I'm pleased with it. 120 ×15 second lights, 20 dark and 20 flat.  9.25 evolution  @ 6.3 and asi 294mc.  Processed in snapseed and ps Express.  I've just downloaded  the astro pixel  processor  trial so I'm going to have a mess with that.


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