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Posts posted by Lucas_M

  1. On 16/08/2022 at 17:05, Astro_Highlander said:

    Hey Lucas, did you have chance to shot other objects? I want to buy FRA500 and very interesting in real examples.

    Hi friend.

    Yes, i did. I got some more shots but had no time for processing yet. So i will share single frames, only stretched.

    First image in native focal ratio f5.6 i see perfect stars corner to corner, even with a APS-C sensor size (i would like to try a full frame sensor, but haven´t one).

    Second one was taken with the f/3.9 reducer. With a small sensor (as the ASI1600) we can see not perfect corrected stars in the corners. I have no reason to complain about that because my last apocromatic triplet refractor had worse correction, even in native focal ratio with a good flattener.






    • Like 1
  2. That is a great scope. Excellent optics and mechanics. Also beautiful.
    The stars are pinpoint corner to corner.
    I´m very happy with that new rig.
    Soon i will bring more details. For while, an image can say a lot by it self. No cropped edges.

    ASKAR FRA 500 F/5.6 quintuplet + ASI1600mm
    L 20x60s + RGB 10x60s (each filter)

    Urban sky Borttle 8

    Messier 7

    • Like 10
    • Thanks 1
  3. Progressively the gas giants are losing altitude for us in the southern hemisphere and arising for you in the north. It's a fair taking turn for everyone to enjoy. 😃 
    At the time of capture, Jupiter was 55º above the horizon, apparent size of 37.9 arcsec.
    The seeing was fair, but far from perfect.

    Io's shadow in transit.
    North Pole down.

    Setup: C11" HD + TV Powermate 2x + ASI462mc
    Date: 2022_06_06    08:48h UT


    • Like 14
  4. 4 hours ago, neil phillips said:

    Nice image Lucas. On CN they talk about pattern noise with this sensor They say some get it, some dont. However i have had no problem on lunar with it. Infact its a excellent camera from my experiance.  Congratulations on the prize

    Thank you!

    A challenge in astrophotography is fighting to beat the noise.
    I'm capturing the first planetary images with a monochromatic camera and realized that it's easier to deal with the noise than using the color camera (ASI290mc). I still need more tests to notice imx178's shortcomings.

    On PlayerOne's website there is an explanation about HCG Mode which appears to be a new technology for dealing with noise in high gain situations.


    HCG  Mode
    The Sedna-M camera has a unique HCG mode, which will automatically turn on when the camera gain setting is >30. The HCG mode can greatly reduce the readout noise and retain the same high dynamic range as the low gain.

    • Like 1
  5. Sedna-M is the name of Player One's camera carrying a monochromatic IMX178 sensor.
    I'm the lucky winner of the brand's contest and received this great camera as a prize.
    It was developed for guiding, but I've been testing it for planetary captures, as the quality of the 178 sensor is already known and approved for this purpose.
    Below is one of the first complete images in RGB that I was able to complete. The seeing wasn't perfect, but it was fair enough to extract an image with Jupiter details and features.


    RGB (60s videos)



    • Like 8
  6. Another entry.

    July 15.

    Now the reverse side of GRS. Visible are (STZ) Oval BA, DS6, White ovals A5, A4, A3, A2 and A1. Festoons on the equatorial zone. Dark spots on the NEB and NTB.

    That face of Jupiter is wonderful this season!


    Details are in the image:
    2021-Jul-15 05:00h UT
    16min de-rotation with WinJupos
    C11" @f/18 + ASI290mc



    • Like 12
  7. I believe this is my first entry into a competition at SGL. I am not sure.
    Happy to participate.

    Capture of the 2nd of July, with GRS visible and with great activity and details in the S and N belts.
    The seeing was fair with good transparency.

    Details are in the image:
    2021-Jul-02 06:14h UT
    21min de-rotation with WinJupos
    C11" @f/18 + ASI290mc 



    • Like 13
  8. 8 hours ago, skybadger said:

    Those are fine work.

    Can you tell me what you did to produce the maximum stacking combination please. Impressed to see the satellite motions. 

    Thank you, friend.

    I did with Pixinsight. Using the process ImageIntegration.  There you can choose between average, minimum, median or maximum signal from input files.

    This is the first time i use that for planetary image. Very useful.

  9. This was one and half month ago, but worths to be shared.

    Saturn occultating 10th magnitude star HD 358643 (TYC 6349-0492-1).



    An over exposed GIF showing 96 minutes (65 frames) and we can see Rhea (above) and Tethys (below) moving. The star passing behind the rings.

    Animation begins with the star coming out at left side between the planet and the rings.


    This image is a maximum stacking combination,showing all the signal captured from moons Rhea and Tethys and also the star TYC6349-0492-1 (behind the rings). Total of 96 minutes, from 02:32h to 04:08h UT (65 frames).




    Sixteen frames selected manually and resized to perform a better visualization of event.





    Quadro.tif integration1.tif 2021-06-28-0354_6-LM_WJ_FW_PIX_PP_signed.tif

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