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Posts posted by GordonD

  1. I think Stellarium gives a better impression of how the stars really look in terms of comparative brightness, particularly on fainter ones. SkySafari shows a lot of stars as the same that are quite different in brightness in the eyepiece.  But SkySafari is more capable overall on the mobile for sure. As has been said the PC version is different.

  2. A birthday present from FLO.

    I know that not everyone gets on with bino-viewers so we will have to see how I manage, but thought I would give them a try. Not sure yet what, if any, combinations of barlows/smaller diagonal will allow them to come to focus on the SW120ED, but the dob I have is a flex-tube so can in theory accommodate whatever in focus they need. These are primarily to try on the moon where I find floaters a big nuisance, and also if they work for me on that, then they should similarly help on Mars, Jupiter and Saturn when they come back up.

    Went for the OVL version as these have twist eyepiece holders which may (?) centre the eyepieces better. They feel surprisingly well made for the price and come with a dinky little flight case.

    To go with them I looked for some less expensive eyepieces as this is a bit of an experiment, and noticed the Baader Orthoscopics are very reasonable at £49 so bought a pair of 18mm ones. Smaller field of view but should have good quality optics.




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