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Posts posted by Vroobel

  1. I meant ImageIntegration (process), not CombineImages (script) if you used it. 🙂 BTW, I wasn't precise enough. I assume you operate on two files with the same geometry that means they were stacked in the same WBPP run and automatically cropped or one image is registered according to the second one. Moreover, I think you should select Maximum here:


    and 'No rejection' here: 


    Also, I think 'SNR' should be selected here:


    Use a global execution (blue filled circle) as last:


    Could you share the masterLight files, please? I'd like to check whether my suggestion makes sense... 😁😉





  2. Hi,

    I am pleased to present once again work based on data collected with the Moana project telescope in Texas, USA. - this time it is the popular Helix Nebula. Since I'm not a fan of arbitrary camera angles, the Starless version is presented as it appears in the sky.


    The Helix Nebula (NGC 7293, Caldwell 63) - 2022.10.20-30 - SHO

    MOANA 10" f/4.5 Newton, Baader 6.5nm 36mm SHO + RGB, ASI 1600MM @ Astro-Physics 1200 GTO;
    6h 15m of integration in SHO: 3 x 25 x 300s SII, Ha, OIII;
    2h in RGB for stars;
    somewhere near Fort Davis, Texas, USA, Bortle 2.


    The Starless version is rotated by an angle of -36° and it's identical to telescopius.com.





    • Like 8
  3. I don't understand it. As a person with a decent IT and tech in general background I know that any transmission, including the serial transmission like the USB, cannot loose 'something' by the way and mark the package as properly transmitted. The single file is much bigger than than anything 'allowing' for accidental problem, please take into account that whole images were green. So, who doesn't agree with me? 


  4. 2 hours ago, chrisecurtis said:


    The "dedicated team of people" and how they communicate is core to all this, but they have to see their job as not about them and they have to welcome the changes that new people bring. That's why a purpose or project is so important. The club becomes about what it does, not about who are members.

    There are lots of generous, supportive and helpful people in Amateur Astronomy, but sadly there are also those who think that their view and understanding is the only right one, who discourage and exclude, probably without even realising they are doing it. You don't need more than one or two of those, especially if they have been stalwarts of the club and help define what it is all about, to put you firmly into vicious circle mode: declining membership and engagement meaning that you can't do any of the things you know would make things better.




    • Like 1
  5. I still feel the hunger of data to process, but seriously, I matured up from the time when I was begging for a piece of the clear sky. The only thing I did last night was taking my main setup outside to cool it down, anything else I usually do within 10 minutes. I gave up and took it home around midnight. No stress at all, woke up rested. 🙂


    • Like 2
  6. 32 minutes ago, WolfieGlos said:

    Thanks Vroobel, I’ll have a look for that. I assume this would be done during the linear stage? 

    Yes, but you loose nothing if try both ways, your images are already processed after all. 🙂


    • Thanks 1
  7. I would try an ImageIntegration to 'combine' them. You should save the files first and use two instances of each as the ImageIntegration requires at least three files. This process increases a final SNR. 


  8. There is nothing about the cables if you can see images. I also use the 2600MC and ASIair Plus (v.1) and never saw green image as preview, they are more or less affected by LP. 

    Try to connect the camera to another platform and program like  SharpCap, don't forget about powering the camera. 

    Also, as you have the images debayered, try to separate RGB channels, it may give you some clue. 

    • Thanks 1
  9. 32 minutes ago, CheshireChris said:

    I think l can feel my bank balance being reduced a bit to buy a PixInsight license...........oooh. this is an expensive pastime


    Believe me (us), you will never regret it.

    Do you know that Russell Croman's Xterminator series is the next stage? OK, I'm not serious, but be ready for around double the total price... 😉


    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  10. Very good picture for the beginning. Nobody mentioned yet that it's well framed which is also very important. 

    You can reduce the green cast using an SCNR process from the PI, but play with it carefully. 

    Another tip: find a way to reduce stars, the best if you can extract them from the background with nebulosity and process them separately. 

    As you have the small 533 sensor, you can use 1.25" filters, they don't require extra filter drawer which double the cost. 

    Good luck! 🙂

    P.S. It would look more natural if rotated 90 degrees anticlockwise.


    • Like 2
  11. At the end of another imaging session I found Jupiter, Mars and Pleiades again, so took something better than my smartphone: Canon 6D with Tamron 17-35mm (@ 35mm, ISO1600, 10s, F/5.6). I was surprised when I found a meteor as a bonus. Nice combo. 🤩




    • Like 9
  12. 14 hours ago, ckp82 said:

    I've never had a problem with my azgti misbehaving or my asiair plus, but tonight I did my polar aligning and put in vega for the goto to take me there and it went in the opposite direction. I put it into the home position and it went to some random position. I have used the same equipment and done the same procedure as I normally do and have never had this problem before. I checked the location setting and it had the time set as an hour earlier. I don't know if it has always been like this or if it's a glitch? It says to turn off dst on hand controller but I don't have one. Does anybody know what has suddenly happened to my set up and how to rectify it?



    I must admit that my ASIair Plus v.1 also behaves stupidly after the recent series of upgrades by ZWO. The most recent upgrade seems much more reliable than the previous ones. I'm an experienced ASIair user, I used it with a Celestron CGX earlier, also with my ATM EQ fork mount and with SW EQ5 OnStep mod - it was OK before the upgrades. Now the setup goes somewhere towards the ground instead of the Home position or the selected DSO position after a meridian flip. Again, nothing changed in my setup. It can work properly twice, but it is wrong straight after. I noticed that the app won't work without a mobile GPS feature run, so we can exclude that the ASIair doesn't know its location.

    I try to live with that patiently waiting for a solution.


    • Like 1
  13. Recently I checked a power consumption of my ASIair Plus v.1, 2600MC Pro camera cooled to -10°C (from 22°C at home), guiding camera, two heaters and additionally a flat field panel connected, unfortunately no mount at the time was connected - I've got around 36W displayed both in the ASIair app and in my Jackery 500 display. It's not most modern power tank, but with its 518Wh I assume it should last 14h. The time will decrease due to the mount, of course. This way the around 500Wh power tank should be OK for one winter night. 


  14. Mostly, nebulae look like an island among nothing. The Lion in your picture looks rather like a deep hole in dense hydrogen matter which reveals the oxygen background behind. Very impressive! 🤩


    • Like 1
  15. Hi,

    From my experience with APS-C sensors, 2" filters and different OTAs, your 585 sensor shouldn't be affected in a such significant way, even if with the longer nosepiece. You can find below a flat frame taken with a 4" 572mm refractor which presents its vignetting on the APS-C sensor.

    What scope do you use with the mentioned camera, filter and nosepiece? Is there anything else in the optical train?




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