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Posts posted by Datalord

  1. Hey Wim. I've placed the unstretched, uncropped masters in this folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/if37gb0vud8l1ep/AAAze5c7ATSAu8eJdvdJc3Ifa?dl=0

    They have been deconvolved and aligned, but not stretched. I'm pretty certain I know what to do, though: de-noise the masters with a very heavy hand to create the colour master, then use my Ha as luminance to add contrast and detail, just as I would an LRGB. But if you are curious, take a look at it. The data is pretty decent.

    • Like 1
  2. I have tried a few times to get a hubble palette image in PixInsight and always end up using something else because I just can't make it look good. Forget about the noise and sharpness and all that, I can deal with that, but getting the colours to that vibrant blue an gold is beyond me.

    This is what I have, right after I have masked stretched each of the NB masters and combined with pixelmath:


    After a series of ColourMask and CurvesTransformation, I get to this:


    Can someone give the first one a shot? Do I have to alter the straight SHO formula?

  3. 3 hours ago, jjosefsen said:

    No darkness during summer, and rain / clouds during the winthe

    Yeah, the other benefit of Spain is that the summer nights are still about 8 hours of astro dark. It really helped me get my gear used. Yes, it's expensive, no doubt about it, but it is that or giving up. I haven't used my UK rig since summer because it isn't worth the aggravation at the clouds here. 

  4. 1 minute ago, symmetal said:

    In 'Setup\Catalog' click the catalog tab and ensure the max FOV number for the catalog required is set high enough to display in the selected FOV number. 10 means display it at all FOV selections.

    In 'Setup\Chart, coordinates' click the Object filter tab and adjust the 'Deep Sky Filter' settings to taste. Unticking 'Filter deep sky objects'  will show the DSO catalogs at the settings set in the Catalog tab previously. This may give a cluttered view so perhaps just reduce the 'Limiting size' setting (and maybe the 'Limiting magnitude') on the 'Deep Sky Filter' settings  for the higher FOV numbers,until the abell or other catalogs show as required.


    Thank you! Exactly what I needed!

  5. Since this thread was necroed and I now saw it, I want to mention that we now have an amazing starmask tool at our disposal in the form of Starnet++ for PI. This process, set to a stride <=64 produces starmasks that are way, way better than anything I can get out of the StarMask process. On the resulting starmask, you can do a morphological transform with a dillude, followed by a MultiscaleLinearTransform with bias disable for scale 1 and 2 and you have the prettiest starmask with soft gradients you can imagine.

    • Like 3
  6. I spent a bit of time around New Year on IC443 and got some narrowband action done.

    ASA DDM85+RC12"+G3-16200. 

    32*1200s Ha bin 1, 25*600s O3 and S2 bin2 for a total of 19 hours.

    I started out with a classic SHO, but I dodn't really like the yellow image, so using the colourMask script in PI, I managed to tune it differently.


    Updated it to this final:



    • Like 18
  7. Well, there might be a pattern. If I recall correctly, the autofocus routine was one of the culprits, which is immensely frustrating since that is the absolute weak point in my setup right now. 

    The second problem for me was that APT is simply so easy to use for all the platesolving, plans etc, that it was frustrating to go from that to this "professional" software. Still, with APT I haven't managed to get the autofocus routine to work with any kind of success. 

    I have to mention that my focuser works perfectly, as long as I just use it manually. 

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