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Posts posted by Anthonyexmouth

  1. 1 hour ago, mark skelton said:

    Ok just been out to the scope connected laptop to scope then started APT (admin mode) click on scope connect, scope connected no problem so far. Then I started up stellarium. When I went to connect stellarium to mount EQMOD come up with com port error. looks like I'm able to connect either APT or stellarium to mount but not both.

    check the baud rate in eqmod. make sure its 9600 . have you got the lastest stellarium? are you connecting to heq5 ascom?

    can you post a screen shot when you get the error? ALT+PRT SCR  on the active error window then CTRL+V when typing here to paste the screen shot. 


    Also, not APT has connected once, try unticking the admin mode and try again. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, mark skelton said:

    Last  session that  I had (3 nights ago) I went outside got my laptop powered up and usb connected, powered up the mount. Then started stellarium got that connected to the mount via ascom no problem, then I started up APT then I connected my camera, focuser and the filterwheel all 3 connected ok. When I went to connect APT to the mount I get an audible msg. saying mount disconnect yet the mount was not connected to APT in the first place. I tried the HEQ5/6, porth and the generic options but no luck. Any ideas on what I could do.

    Try running APT in administrator mode. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, BungleHilton said:

    I cant her the mount to connect. Cant take pics at min either as not with mount. 

    It shows com 3 in port when I go to set up eqmod window. Check on device manager shows port 3 in use when mount plugged in. 

    But the mod thing doesn't seem to pick up the mount itself. 

    set the baud rate to 9600

    then rescan in  eqmod.

    is the eqmod cable plugged directly to the mount?

  4. 8 minutes ago, Miko_Skye said:


    I wanted to say thank you to everyone - last night, I got it to work using all your advice. Firstly, it seems that reinstalling everything after the ASCOM driver allowed PHD2 to talk to the mount properly this time. And secondly, I was not calibrating away from Polaris - as soon as I followed your advice and ran the calibration nearer the south horizon, BINGO!! First run was a bit off (RMS Total of over 2). Second run was much better (RMS of around 0.5) 

    Still a huge amount to learn, but now I can get images and have a baseline, I can build on this.

    Thank you to everyone for the advice ,you have no idea how much it helped!!!

    Out of interest, can you list your setup. mount, imaging rig and guide setup. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, BungleHilton said:

    That sounds rather simple. Is it that easy? I've got stellarium on new laptop. I connect the mount via the hand controller? 

    never connected via the handset myself, always used an eqmod cable so cant help you there. once you go laptop controlled the handset is redundant 

    well worth investing in a good Eqmod cable from FLO

    up until a few weeks ago stellarium required an additional piece of software called stellarium scope to bridge ascom/stellarium. was sometimes a pain but all thats sorted with the latest version. 

  6. 1 hour ago, BungleHilton said:

    Merry christmas folks


    I need some brains to pick as I've no idea at all. How would I run my mount eq6r pro on my laptop and then use to stalarium to operate it



    dead easy now. Stellarium supports ascom with the latest version. 

    Install the ascom platform and connect to the mount

    install stellarium

    goto the telescope control tab in stellarium settings and enable, you have to restart stellarium

    then add the telescope in the settings. 


  7. 27 minutes ago, MarsG76 said:


     The problem I have with the covered up solutions is that a lot of humidity and moisture will get in under the tarp and ultimately cause oxidization on the mount.. even the PCB... there would be times when its raining for weeks and this might be too close to leaving in in the elements.. just prolonged damaging effect.


    Mines been out in the UK weather for over a year, and only a mile from the sea. zero signs of any issues or corrosion. gets more condensation on it when imaging than it does under the cover. Always wipe down with a towel before covering it up. or if i know its going to be dry all night i just let it run all night and cover in the morning. 

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  8. 4 minutes ago, Skyline said:

    How much is high, when using backyardeos, I used to set it at 3

    My dither is set to 15 in APT. APT goes up to 90 but i think its worked on pulse length rather than a set distance. its pretty random which seems to work nicely. 

    I ditched BYEOS for APT, cheaper and seems a little more flexible. Wouldnt be without pointcraft now either.

  9. 7 minutes ago, daveangie0110 said:

    If you zoom in to the image you can see lots of red and blue pixels, I had a friend of mine who run it through Pixinsight and he could see the pixels in the image. I streched the dark frames and they looked ok. I did not dither either.

    I have all the FIT files in my dropbox which I can send you if you like.

    yeah, post the link so we can look at the individual subs. 

    • Thanks 1
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