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Posts posted by dazzystar

  1. OK. I'm still having problems. Let me explain what I've tried tonight.

    Removed the Synscan hand controller completely and connected the usb cable from my pc to the usb port on the motor control box. Made sure the COM port speed was 115600. Turned on the motor control box and went into the ASCOM diagnostics software, chose  Skywatcher Telescope, clicked on properties then got a big error starting with Failed to load driver: "ASCOM.SkyWatcher.Telescope. 

    I then tried connecting the handset back in and the usb cable to the handset and got basically the same error message.

    What can I be doing or having done that's wrong people?


  2. Thanks @lenscap

    It's not the noise that bothers me about the existing motors as the scope will be outside and myself, inside. It's just the sheer crappy build quality of the gears and the meshing between them that I don't like. I haven't even imaged with the setup yet as I'm still getting my things together and autofocuser built but was thinking if it isn't a complete and total pita then why not. 

  3. Hi All,

    Thought I'd join the convo and ask a question. I want to replace the crappy motors on my EQ3 Pro goto mount with steppers and have just discovered the OnStep project. As my use is remote imaging I don't want to use a hand controller but control the equipment via ASCOM and NINA. Has anyone modded their EQ3 Pro and could you provide a list of parts / bits needed so I can look into it in more detail please?



  4. Hi All,

    So. I can now afford (thanks to Amazon vouchers), either the Beelink U59 or Mele Quieter2 mini PC. But which should I go with?

    As a refresher, It'll be connected to an EQ3 mount, An ASI183MC camera and a DIY autofocuser running NINA. All post processing work will be done by my main rig inside. Connection will be from Windows RDP over Wi-Fi.





  5. Bit of a nightmare but it would appear that the mounting screw holes on the Nema 17 PG5 would be too close to the larger hole on the 3D printable case design by Kari as he used a non-pg model. (like 0.75mm from the edge!) which would probably end up shearing through the PLA quite quickly? Real shame as I love your design and can't think of any other way of mounting the motor in a case.

    Even if I made the large hole even larger so that the gearbox poked through, there no way of mounting it. Attached is the spec sheet for the motor in case you come up with any ideas. I'll also put a copy of this in the channel for others.


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