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Everything posted by Moonshed

  1. I have just started using my ‘scope again this winter for the first time since last year and I am having trouble with the Polemaster, it has always worked brilliantly before, I’ve had it about 2 years. I am now finding that after selecting the first star and rotating my ‘scope for the first time it keeps looping back and asks me to pick my first star again. I can’t figure out what is wrong. I went back to Modern Astronomy, who are so helpful, and they gave me a new link to download the latest software but unfortunately nothing seems to happen when I download it and the driver as well. Do I need to remove the existing Polemaster programme from my laptop before downloading the new one? I am also suspicious of the cable that locks into the Polemaster camera as it looks a bit lumpy and bumpy and think I may need to get a new one, they only cost £19 anyway. Has anyone else had a similar problem and know how to fix it? The Polemaster has been so useful I am now lost without it.
  2. Seems very odd. Usually when having serious problems achieving star alignment it’s either down to wrong location data or using the wrong time or not allowing for summer/winter time changes. A friend of mine just starting spent ages trying to solve the problem before realising he had entered the Lat and Long data incorrectly, even starting off mixing up being east or west of the Greenwich meridian. You though appear certain you have done everything right. How do you do your polar alignment? You mention that after you have done it you set up the weights and tube. This seems to me to be an odd way of doing it, why not completely set up the whole lot, scope and weights and everything else you will be using, and then do your polar alignment? That way you will not run the risk of moving the mount away from polar alignment when you add the rest of the gear. Also try using the handset for all the stars, including the first, I have never released the clutches and moved the tube manually for the first star, seems a waste of time as it will not know where it is aimed at after starting from the parked/home position and makes that first star alignment rather pointless. After doing my PA, I use a Polemaster for photographic accuracy, I only use two star alignment as with my system that allows me to name the two stars I wish to use so I can select a good spread across the sky and both away from Polaris for better accuracy. I find that with both stars the mount will move close enough so that the star will definitely be visible in the eyepiece but will need a little adjustment using the handset to get it precisely centered. Anyway, keep trying and check everything, I am sure you will sort it out eventually and find it was something easy to fix. Good luck.
  3. I have an extra item on the list. Stick note on back door telling wife not to switch the outside light on when she lets the dogs out.
  4. No problem, I realised you were talking about a Newtonian, I had one previously and it was relatively easy to clean. I have decided not to clean mine, leave well alone.
  5. Thanks for all your advice. I think the one thing that has come across is to get it done professionally, which confirms my feelings on the matter, I don't think it is something I would like to tackle myself. If on the other hand I was told it was a simple matter of unscrewing a couple of bolts I would have given it a go, but now I think not. The tube has NEVER been left open, either plugged with an EP or a cap so perhaps it's best just to leave well alone. I thought maybe it was just me and everyone else cleaned their mirrors. Guess not. Thanks again. Keith
  6. I have owned my Celestron for 25 years now and never cleaned the mirrors, the reason being I have no idea how to get to them. I am too nervous to just start unscrewing because I have no idea what is happening and don't want to do any damage. Any advice would be appreciated. Keith
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