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Everything posted by Moonshed

  1. So far my DSOs have been some galaxies and the Orion Nebula, all taken with my Canon using a tele-extender. I would now like to try to image the Horsehead nebula but not sure how. Should I carry on using the same set up as before or do I need anything different, such as a filter or different camera? One problem that I can see is that because the fov is wide the Horsehead will be very small in the image. Any advice welcome.
  2. I totally agree with you regarding using binoculars. There have been many nights when I too couldn’t be bothered with all the setting up of my gear and instead grabbed the bins and started with a scan of the Milky Way, never fails to impress.
  3. I am amazed at how much these specimens used to cost. I used to enjoy watching a program a couple of years ago about two guys who were professional meteorite hunters in America, they would tow this large home made metal detector array behind their SUV over an area of land that their research indicated a meteorite had landed. Some examples they dug up were huge, they needed lifting gear, and they sold them for thousands of dollars. Not seen that program for some time now which is a shame because it was so interesting how they hunted them down.
  4. That is some collection you have there, that must make you a rock star!
  5. Well, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, it’s actually a 10mg tiny little flake from a lunar meteorite. Still, it’s better than nothing and because buying or selling the genuine Apollo moon rocks that were retuned to Earth by the astronauts is illegal it’s the only possible way to own a piece of moon “rock”. The little flake is seen through a clear circle on the plastic box that contains it and is placed on what appears to be cotton wool. I bought it around 10 years ago from a local gem shop and paid £40 for it. Yes, my wife did scoff when she saw it but she does understand my hobby has affected my brain cells. I wonder how many members also own a piece of the Moon?
  6. That’s a really nice photo, and taken with an iPhone at the eyepiece! Yes, I agree, you can’t beat the pleasure of star gazing.
  7. I ordered a TeleGizmos scope cover from FLO last Friday and they advised delivery would be 10 to 15 days, very pleased to report it arrived today, only 5 days. I am very impressed with the cover, very well made, thick material and a good fit. This is going to save me so much hard work, not just lifting out the scope but not having to polar align again. All I need to do, if required, is to do a star alignment. This also means that I shall be encouraged to use it far more often!
  8. I would imagine the solar filter set you back a few bob!
  9. Would love to have been in the right location where I could take a photo like that. Very nice image! What gear did you use?
  10. Thank you but for some strange reason that does not make it go away on my camera. Everything works as it’s supposed to so it’s not a big deal, It just puzzles me though and I don’t like problems I can’t solve, even with help!
  11. That has really made me chuckle. Well done.
  12. I have a favourite astrophotography image that I prefer above all the rest. It’s not the best technically, it wasn’t difficult to take, it didn’t take an eye watering amount of cash for the camera or the gear. I just like it! I like the way it shows the Montes Apenninus curving down, in an almost 3D effect, to the crater Eratosthenes and the Sinus Aestuum. To my eye it looks very pleasing. It was my first successful image, taken a few years ago, using an Orion Planetary camera that I paid the grand sum of £50 for. I loved that camera, so simple to use and it gave such good results for a budget camera. So this is my favourite picture for all the reasons given. What is your favourite? Not the best, the most technically challenging etc, simply the one that for whatever reason, you love the most.
  13. I used to have it set with a spread of focus rectangles evenly spaced around the centre,I think it took an average but not sure. The thing is though I never used to see the AF rectangle(s) before but now I do. However it’s no big deal I will just have to get used to it. Thanks for your reply.
  14. Tried that but it made no difference apart from adding the grid as well, or not. Thanks anyway, I will just have to get used to it.
  15. I use the Canon for some astrophotography work and also for regular family photos. I must have mucked up something in the settings because now on live view I have an annoying white rectangle appear on the screen. According to the manual it’s the Auto Focus area and it can be moved around as required using the buttons. That’s all well and good but I never had it before and to be honest I would rather not have it now. I have tried everything but it refuses to go away. Anyone got any idea how to remove it?
  16. Wouldn’t bother me, I’d whitewash the windows.
  17. This is the first I have heard of this strange event. Pardon my ignorance but what exactly is a green laser scan?
  18. Hi John, Thanks for the info. Much appreciated. Keith
  19. I have the one that you show in the picture and the wire has come away from the contact due to poor soldering.
  20. Point taken. That’s how mine first started to go wrong, I would need to fine tune the brightness knob to get it to work, or not. Very poor design and/or workmanship.
  21. Unfortunately it transpires that stellarvue, an American company, do not accept payment from foreign banks and the process for making payment really isn’t worth the hassle. Thanks anyway.
  22. Thanks for the info, I don’t know why I couldn’t find anything on it. The illuminator is well and truly broken. I first unscrewed the battery compartment but nothing wrong there and in fact until it started playing up the LED was very bright when working, I then unscrewed the top half and it lifted it out trailing a broken wire. It could probably be soldered back but that is not something I can do. I will check out the link you gave me. Thanks again.
  23. I purchased the above a couple of years ago to plug into my flip mirror box. It has been such a great aid so now it’s stopped working I need to replace it. I thought I could just buy the illuminate part that screws into the eyepiece but it appears that I need to purchase the whole thing again, which seems to me to be a bit of a waste. Am I right in thinking the two parts are not sold separately? I have looked in so many places but have made no progress, it appears I have to buy the eyepiece as well.
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