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Posts posted by emyliano2000

  1. 11 hours ago, mikey2000 said:

    Do you go further away for imaging sessions

    I only went away once in Devember but with my eq6. Want to do it but I can only do it during the weekend and I haven't been lucky to have the weather on my side. Was planing on it last weekend but the weather changed ☹

    I wanna take it with my if I'm going abroad to some places with clearer skies.


    4 hours ago, emyliano2000 said:

    A few nights ago I used phd2 to guide it and I was very happy to see how the guiding went

    This is the result I got from that night of testing the mount with PHD2

    Unfortunately my dslr was runing at 28C as the whole setup has been sitting all day in the sun, under a telescope cover. Big mistake.

    This is all I could process out of it.



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  3. Hello everybody.

    This is my first post on this thread. I got myself a little eq3 pro to be used as a fully portable setup. ☺

    It will be used with my ts65quad and my dslr lenses.

    I will be powering it from a 22Ah tracer battery, I will be giuding with a lacerta mgen standalone autoguider. I will be using a laptop only for platesolving and polar alignment with my polemaster. I can run it for 5 and a half hours from the tracer battery.

    My dslr will be powered from an external ex-pro 16000mAh battery.

    So far all I have done with it is testing to see what can it do. I had a few problems that I managed to sort out. 

    A few nights ago I used phd2 to guide it and I was very happy to see how the guiding went.

    Looking forward for some proper dso imaging.




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