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Everything posted by Randalloverby

  1. Since I haven't tried timelapse imaging yet with the SA, it would be nice to see an in depth video tutorial covering everything from beginning to end while out in the field. Its going to be cloudy here for the next week at least so I have plenty of time to read and watch videos, LOL.
  2. So when you updated the firmware, you printed off the new dial etc ?
  3. Thanks for the info, I have the cable for it and I will download the firmware update as well when I get more familiar with the functions. It would have been nice if it had a LED display built in.
  4. Guiding is something I would like to learn more about but it wont happen anytime soon, although I could use the tablet with the Celestron. I would like to mount two cameras on the SA, widefield and zoom and have control of the exposures. The SA also has some of these funtions built in but I have yet to really read up on it.
  5. Just curious, I purchased the SA to focus more on widefield and its portability but I am still using my laptop to run BYEOS. If I was looking for something smaller to control my setup, what would be the route to go..a tablet or an intervalometer ?
  6. I decided to redo this target with the SA and managed 210 sec subs unguided with the 70-200 at 95mm. Edited with StarTools. More recently I shot some of the Milky Way and had no problems getting 7 min exposures with pinpoint stars at 40mm. I have to say I am pretty impressed with the unit. The best advice I could give is to have a sturdy mount or tripod, I am using a Manfrotto with a DIY sandbag for extra stability. Now I just need some clear skies which is looking pretty doubtful according to the weatherman. Merry Christmas everyone !
  7. My Star Adventurer came in yesterday and I was able to get a few shots last night as the clouds were rolling in. After polar alignment, I had no problems getting 240sec exposures. So far I am pretty impressed with it and I can't wait to get back but our weather is steadily going downhill. Image below was 240s, 3200iso, 17-40 lens at 40mm f/4. Edited in PS.
  8. Yes, I do have a laptop and currently run BYEOS with my telescope. Thanks, I will check into it.
  9. Thanks. I'm looking for something more portable than the setup I have now for imaging the Milky Way, time lapse and targets like you describe. I would love to get into guiding down the road with my AVX as well if my wallet ever allows it.
  10. Thank you Steve, I hope to have it for next weekend if the weather permits.
  11. I am getting a Star Adventurer next week and have found a lot of useful information here on this topic.
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