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Posts posted by davew

  1. For what it's worth ... Win 10 shows what looks like a placeholder and the play button is greyed out. Android play button greyed out. Win 11 and iPhone both work.

    iPhone shows the video stop and start.

    The YouTube video works with no glitches and is reasonably smooth.

    There's a smart lesson to be learned here but as I'm not smart I've no idea what it is 😁



  2. Hi Lee,

    Up until quite recently I cursed the clouds whenever they moved in on me :) I always thought they ruined a good timelapse until a few friends pointed out that a few clouds add even more interest and movement to the scene. I like the first video as you've three main points of movement ie, stars, distant low and bright cloud and the wispy stuff rolling through. I rate the video and would have liked to see a bit more if you still have it.

    However, cloud can be a real nuisance if you intend to stack as it often ( Well it does for me ) ruins the photo. 

    Loved the debris,


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  3. I don't normally take photos of my gear but was sat around waiting quite a while for a show that didn't arrive. I got into position on the edge of a cliff ( The photo shows I moved back a tiny amount when it was getting darker ! ) over the sea in Thurso Bay Scotland.

    The plan was to capture the sunset with the sky and clouds on fire and then the main show of a full sky of dancing Aurora. You can probably tell by my description that nothing happened !

    In the middle are the Orkney Islands with the Old Man of Hoy just visible on the far left. To the right is Dunnet Head, the most northerly bit of the mainland. Directly below are some rocks that were putting on a little show with the sea until the tide came in and swamped the lot :) 

    Great plans eh ? Aurora Watch App showed Orange until it started going dark, then flat lined. Nikon camera, 14mm lens, tripod, no action.


    PS. Forgot to mention that in the North there was a low Milky Way arch due but the clouds built up and hid it. Really wasn't my night.

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  4. I saw this in the challenge section but can't comment there of course. I like this version very much as the other ones taken during full darkness don't do you justice. It's a shame the dark sky park doesn't reach as far as the coast ! 

    The star spikes look good and well controlled.

    The fact you've got nice reflections also draws me in :)


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  5. 1 hour ago, clarkpm4242 said:

    One way of making stars more prominent...am cutting back on the goodies.  Though throughly approve.

    Striking composition  :)

    Good to see you out in the field, Paul.

    On some of my shots the starts looked like mini comets ! 

    Byland is good isn't it ? I'll try and get back there one day and do some light painting as I think the place is crying out for it.

    It was nice to get out except for all the dust and cobwebs on the Nikon :)


  6. 3 hours ago, AstroNebulee said:

    Beautiful image Dave. What an amazing foreground of the Abbey. I know what you mean about the wind it was extremely windy. I was out in the early hours by the quarry trying for the milky-way but clouds only gave me glimpses. Good luck for next time.


    You were out too ? Yes, between the clouds and the wind it was a bit of a trial.

    Good luck to you and I hope to see some more from you soon,


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  7. I was at Sutton Bank North Yorkshire National Park Centre on Saturday night helping a friend out with a public Astronomy outreach. Due to the fact it rained most of the time I didn't have a lot to do !

    Now then, Byland Abbey is very close by so after midnight when everyone had gone home and the sky cleared out a bit ( As it would eh ? ) I decided to pay the Abbey a visit. Unfortunately Storm Kathleen joined me and no matter how much I struggled, she managed to ruined almost every shot. I'll post one of the least damaged but the stars are awful and the details blurred. Don't zoom in for best views as I've compressed the image quite a bit to hide it  😇 Not long after I took this shot I finally lost all hope and drove home.

    Nikon Z6ii, 20 mm lens, ISO 3200, F1.8, and 10 seconds single exposure. Chicken sandwich and plain chocolate hobnobs.




    If anyone finds themselves in the area, it's a nice quiet and fairly dark spot other than the light on the side of the pub opposite !



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