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Nigel G

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Everything posted by Nigel G

  1. Ian, trial and error with a little guidance from Ivo down under. Nige.
  2. Hi imballinger welcome to the thread. Ken said it all look forward to seeing some of your images.
  3. I think Decon needs at least 50% binning to have best results. Auto mask then, radius 2.0 pixel, mask fuzz 14.5 seems to work well for my images most of the time. Nige.
  4. If you click on your own name, top right of home page, next to your user picture, a drop down list shows settings, click that then on left will be signature setting. Nige.
  5. Hi rotatux, welcome to The No eq dso challenge and SGL. As Ken said, your first image very much like my first image too. I look forward to seeing more of your DSOs Nige.
  6. Lovely looking image Ian. Have you cropped all the artefacts out, I've not seen that before, every time I have had something unusual with an image its because I left a pixel or 2 of artefacts. Nige.
  7. Perfect frame size Steve, great stars, good colour, some good detail. Nice Ian, good details, nice stars, a little colour work maybe. Some great images being posted Keep them coming guys. Cheers Nige.
  8. Cracking image. I prefer the first too, very colourful I found the stars quite difficult to control with these, you have them spot on. Cheers. Nige.
  9. Great image Ian, I love the colours too. Plenty of detail Well done. Cheers Nige.
  10. Thanks Ian. I love it, so much more detail in Ha nebula. The H&S was with the 135mm lens so 30s was no problem. 100% keep rate. Nige.
  11. Nigel G

    Venus 4/1/17

    From the album: Planets & Moon

    Venus captured with the Orion star shoot camera x2 barlow and 150p, processed in Registax 6.
  12. Thinking about it, the camera since the modification is very sensitive to light change, I had an aeroplane through 1 sub which whitewashed that frame, not normally a problem, and its not possible to image with a moon around either. I can with the unmodified camera. Hopefully its not a sensor problem, final image does not seem to be effected at all. we'll see on the next session. Cheers Nige.
  13. I don't think so, the 3rd image to come from the camera was the Heart and soul nebula which was high altitude approximately 80° still had lighter subs than those of later dates. Anything is possible though, that could be a contributing factor. Cheers Nige
  14. Ken, that's possible, the ambient temp has fallen quite some the last 4-6 weeks. Nige.
  15. I mean overall, not during a night. My first set of sub's ( Rosette ) were a mid to light blue, Time taken 10pm, no moon. About a month ago. My last set of sub's ( Monkey ) were very dark blue, time taken 9pm Last night. Every set in between are a shade darker the later DATE taken. Everyone of the 14 mosaic images, each set of sub's taken over 2 nights was a shade darker than the previous set. It would seem the camera is gathering less light each session. But doesn't seem to affect the final image ( yet ) Nige.
  16. My first image taken this year, I only managed to get 30 minutes before freezing dew and cold hands stopped play. It seems every time I image an object the light frames get darker. I'm using 1600 ISO all the time, conditions vary but my first image, Rosette subs were mid blue in general colour now they are very dark blue, same exp time. each time its a little darker. Final image always ok. Anyone have any idea what might be going on ? Monkey head Nebula. 60x30s ISO 1600, modified 1200d & CLS, 150p Alt-AZ. DSS & ST. Cheers Nige.
  17. Nigel G

    Monkey head nebula

    From the album: Alt-AZ DSO

    Monkey head, 60x30s. ISO 1600 taken with modified 1200D & CLS filter, S/W 150p on the Star Discovery mount. Stacked in DSS, processed in Startools.

    © Nigel Gilchrist

  18. Nigel G

    Orion mosaic

    From the album: Alt-AZ DSO

    5 images. Cropped. All images are 45x45s taken with modified 1200D, 135mm lens & CLS filter on the Star Discovery mount. Stacked in DSS, processed in Startools and mosaic in PS.

    © Nigel Gilchrist

  19. I almost bought a motorised mount for my 200p but went for the tripod setup instead. It was the cost that made my choice, a motorised dob mount was around £400 from memory. My scope and mount was less. So I sold the dob. I have seen somewhere some great images taken with a 8" dobsonian.
  20. Happy new year fellow Alt-Azers and all. Best wishes and clear sky's for 2017. Cheers Nige
  21. The advantage with a bar is you can mount the camera behind the mount clamp, quite easy to balance with 210mm lens. Nige.
  22. This is the extra image that happened to fit the mosaic but was never intended. Monkey head and Jellyfish, 135mm lens. Nige.
  23. My dovetail bar with both camera's on the mount. Nige.
  24. Definitely need to use RAW files. Will make a big difference with processing. Nige.
  25. I use Canon EOS utility for running the camera, I have a 3mtr cable to connect to a PC I have in my conservatory, It previews every image and I can set any amount of exposures at any length. Then retire to the house and watch through my closed sliding doors with a cup of tea or glass of wine. I like your camera mount Steve. Cheers Nige.
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