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Posts posted by Demonperformer

  1. The other night, I got a rather weird thing happen using Sharpcap. In live-stacking, the first image arrived and it was full of stars. So, without changing any settings, I did a "platesolve" (which also realigns the scope) to centralise my target. It did its single frame capture and I got a practically blank screen and a message saying it could only detect 3 stars. I tried reducing the "sigma" setting, as advised by the on-screen message, with little effect. What gets me is that the same settings produced a whole mass of stars in each of the subs that were being live-stacked. Never had this happen to me before, and no, of course I didn't do anything intelligent like saving the log file!

    I can always try to replicate this next time (although I always find trying to replicate something that isn't working to be a weird activity in itself!), but on the off-chance that anyone can see what was happening without the log file, I thought I would ask.


  2. There is a C filter, which is like the L but with (without?) the IR block (can't remember which way round they are).

    Some people also have a special IR-pass filters for imaging the moon and planets. And some use a set of UBVIR filters for photometry.

    There are also other less usual filters. I have a CH4 filter for (particularly) Jupiter & Saturn. I also have an NE3 filter for (particularly) planetary nebulae.

    So that's another nine options ...  where can I get a 16-position filter wheel :biggrin:?

    • Haha 1
  3. The formula in my signature addresses this very question. It is condensed from an article on the Sharpcap forum.

    A is the clear area of the scope objective
    mu is the pixel size of the camera
    sigma is the read noise of the camera
    T is the total time
    n is the number of subs
    t is the individual sub length

    • Thanks 1
  4. What I do is have all the index files in one folder, but copy into a second folder the ones that are appropriate for my fov. This second folder is the one to which I direct the platesolving program, so it only uses those files. You can do it by moving rather than copying - this saves disk space, but I (more than once!) ended up deleting the files and had to download them again. Got fed up with playing that game.

  5. Hi, and welcome to SGL.

    Yes, probably a setting in the capture software. Let us know what you are using and someone will be able to give you tailored advice.

    Enjoy the journey.

  6. Caught the latest episode last evening. So, according to one of his early statements, Saturn is "far beyond the sun" ... in relation to what? The earth? Not at the moment - it is in the opposite direction.  Did he maybe mean to say "far away from the sun"?

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