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Everything posted by wk4bg8s

  1. If I had not ordered the metal roof material already, I would have gone the same route! Quite obviously I did not do my homework thoroughly enough
  2. I love the ROR, "Rip Off Roof!" Man, that will get you viewin' the stars super fast Kim
  3. We just finished dinner, so its family time, and in the morning I will post a dozen or so. We actually got going so fast with 5 people working, I missed getting a few shots, but hey, we got a lot done The Ondura really looks interesting, and probably a decent product. I went with the metal for weight, and will have insulation on the inside of the ROR that should keep it quiet Kim
  4. Hey Scorpius; Well, there is some green type stuff on the top of the building, and if and when the rain comes in the morning, we'll see if it does its job I had the help of a few friends Thursday and Friday, and another good friend came by today, and things look really good. I will post a few pics in the morning (Sunday). Kim
  5. Seriously, it really looks great! You are right about the siding really soaking the paint up, can make you a bit neurotic trying to get it looking decent at times Have you decided on the roofing material yet? I opted for steel, OSB for the sheathing, and be good with it. I have no snow load issues here, so it will be fine. I notice your four-legged night-time cohort ready to move in Kim
  6. A Hah!!! You've been a busy man!! I'll letcha bask in your well earned glory until tomorrow morning Looks great!!!! Kim
  7. I agree with you regarding the T1-11, and have heard good things about SmartSide, which is what I'm using, only the shiplap style instead of panels. It is a tad bit more expensive, but I think in the long term you'll be more pleased. So basically you are good to go. If you don't shear the building make sure you block it well, pretty easy and cheap to do. Just my .02 sense Kim
  8. I love those wheels, just can't imagine anything that will derail that puppy... ooga shaka ooga ooga!!!! I would suggest steel, aluminum is nice, purdy and light, but paint the steel and it will be there forever... Kim
  9. Something to consider is a lot of folks on here aren’t trying to put up permanent structures. Some of our friends across the pond who plan to “move house” just want a functional observatory that can be moved or disassembled if need be. But guys like us who aren’t planning to move are ok with throwing a few extra yards of concrete in the hole or a few extra studs in the wall. Understood. I am not a "true builder either," just a retired software engineer, living a life on the ranch and learning to do what was necessary as I went along. I have a few friends that are also into the less permanent structures, and it works out great for their needs. I honestly wish it would work for me, save a lot of $$$, but alas, this needs to last for awhile, so I put in a bit more 'crete Kim
  10. Looks Fabulous!!! Its nice to see a fellow "builder" taking the time and effort to it right. So many take short cuts, or use inferior materials to save money. You'll have a nice observatory when you are done, something to be proud of!!! Kim
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