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Posts posted by Knighty2112

  1. Got a power pylon close by that use during the day to align finders, test out optics/new purchases etc, so can see similar details on it too. The only other things close by that I could look at too are chimney tops, but they tend to be pretty boring! ;) 

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  2. I got a 6mm Starbase from FLO. It works very well. Gives good contrast and sharp view across the fov, so pleased with it. Had it out on Jupiter and the moon last night for a while before clouds piled in, and got great views with it, even compared to my Baader Zoom and 4mm TV Delight.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Arrived earlier this week, but away with work until late last night. A super AZ5 mount head from Jeremy. Fitted some longer slow mo cables, and mounted on my Berlebach Report tripod with extension. Checked out quickly last night on moon and Jupiter with my AA 80ED ‘frac, and hoping to test with the much longer big brother AA 102ED tonight hopefully if skies allow. Thanks Jer! 😀


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  4. 26 minutes ago, Trevor Matthews said:

    Would it be the same size as the 8SE?

    I will be dusting the 3D printers off over the weekend, happy to print one off for you and post it out.

    Yes, they are both the same diameter. I used to own  the OTA for a 4SE, and also had a C8 SCT, which is the same basically as the 8SE scope. I used an old ribbed roller that I had 2 of which made fine tuning work great on both scopes when put on the focus knob.

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  5. When I had my SE mount I found that the more accurate I was when levelling the mount the better the goto accuracy was. However, I used to use a wider field EP (32mm) first to get the items in view in the EP. This meant that even when any object wasn’t near the centre of field of view I could still see it near the edge. I would then centre the target, then switch to a different EP if required. I always did a 3 star align which always worked the best, but don’t expect all objects to be bang in the centre of view as they won’t always be.

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  6. Seeing poor, but in steady spells through the clouds I could see it every now and again. Viewed with both my 10” newt and 80mm ED ‘frac, but took some spotting when seeing allowed. Now clouds come fully in so called it a night.

  7. Just now, Knighty2112 said:

    Well I use a Vixen NLVW 30mm which gives nice 65 degree views in my C8 SCT, so don’t see why the 68 degree won’t do well in you C6. Of course whether it would be better than the Televue might only be apparent with a side by side comparsion. 

    Should have said it’s a 2” EP not a 1.25” EP.

  8. I got some Pentax SP 20x60mm WP Binoculars about three months back and their working great. Tend to use these more than any of my other binos. Also use them for checking out for any worth while sunspots before I lug out any scope to view them with. Created some home made solar filters to puton the end of them. Views are very good through them, so well worth it.

    • Thanks 1
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