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Everything posted by Duncan123

  1. Like you guys I have a massive respect for my GPDX , in fact I even brought two new sets of gears which gave an additional 2:1 reduction so it would handle my 12" F3.5 Newt ( Skysensor 2000PC etc ). Unfortunately , due to too many cricks n the neck from strange viewing angles I moved form a newt to a sct and on to a CGEMDX ( which on the face of it may not have been too good a move ) but the tripod is tall enough and rigid enough to make the system usable .
  2. Team Brought myself a nice ASI/ZWO 294 cooled camera earlier this year ( when it was dark at night ) and started to do some imaging from here in London ( UGH I hear you say ) . I use a Celestron C11 and when using the std focal reducer all goes well , BUT , when I image WITHOUT it I always get a much brighter central disc in the image . Flats help to correct it but it never really goes away and is stopping me pulling the most from my set up . Has anybody else come across this with the standard C11 ? When you look directly up the optical system without an eyepiece you can see the bright central disc that it produces. Any suggestions or help gratefully appreciated ! Duncan
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