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Posts posted by BGazing

  1. 4 hours ago, F15Rules said:

    I recently acquired the TS ED 40mm version (says Paracor on it).

    I really like it. No, it's not an XW 40mm (and who DID snag that mint beauty of Roger Vines' for £399 on UKABS last week??!!), but it's sharp to about 85% out on my FS128. I use a driven eq mount so a little edge distortion doesn't bother me for the objects I use it on. A lovely 69 Deg field at 40mm showed me a wonderful view of the double cluster at the weekend, real 'diamonds on velvet' style.

    Mine is also light for its' size and quite nicely made. The rotating eyecup is a useful comfort feature..Recommended.?


    I used it in my C8 for widest field, Double Cluster included. I guess the strong field curvature of the non-Edge SCT makes it worse than in your 1000mm frac, hence your edges might be better. It does have some astigmatism in the EP, as my astigmatism level of the eyes is not sufficient to truly kick in at 3.7 exit pupil. That said, it really does what it has to on extended objects and the eyecup is comfortable. But then I go to my Delos and take my eyes to a spa...

    1 hour ago, disciplus55 said:

    Here is a DL on SW AZ GTi + EQ5 extension column and UNI 18, very stable and super heavy...



    Just wow, that little mount is truly a mighty midget. If it tracks with all that weight, it's a must, especially for sharing. I guess a less substantial tripod would expose the light weight of the mount more. UNI 18 looks awesome.

    • Like 2
  2. On 20/01/2018 at 15:03, Piero said:

    No problem! :) 

    Out of curiosity, how's the 40mm TMB at the edge with your Tak?

    There was one 40mm TMB in the classified earlier this year (maybe the one you picked up?), and although I was interested, I decided not to buy it because I was not sure how much astigmatism was visible in the last 10% of the FOV. Not having slower telescopes, it was a gamble for me. Its light weight is a great advantage though. 

    40mm SW Aero/TMB clone is not that superb  on the edges in C8, so I assume it is not great in a lower f/l Tak  either. But it is a good, transparent eyepiece, and when I am using it I am usually not looking for the edges, but at nebulas. There are some notable exceptions...and yes, it is not Nagler 31, but it is very light.



    • Thanks 1
  3. On 15/01/2018 at 14:02, Mak the Night said:

    I have them both and have no intentions to part with either lol. They seem very different animals to me, both in physical size, weight and FOV. Both Barlow and reduce well. I tend to see the DeLite as a lunar/planetary EP (it was designed as a sort of light Delos) and the Panoptic is more of an all rounder. It is good for low and medium power viewing in lighter, smaller scopes. I even have a bino pair. Although it can be used for almost anything in my experience. 

    Hear, hear.

    I regularly use Pan 24 in my small frac, it is almost as light as the T6 Naglers. Delos 17 is heavenly, and I absolutely love it on galaxies and some globulars...but it belongs in a Baader Clicklock diagonal. It's big and heavy...and...something else.

  4. 1 minute ago, Stu said:

    I use a BBHS but in the T2 design. Good enough for all but the biggest 2". I don't really notice vignetting even on a 50mm 67 degree. Shorter optical path and lighter.

    No, I meant avoiding prism because of the medium focal length.

    T2 can be configured into a 1.25 diagonal with proper adapters, I understand. Never tried the modularity, my 2 inch dielectric clicklock is a pain to dismantle (those small little things which fix the clicklock...aargh.

  5. Having re-read it from the beginning I am still undecided, DC or DF. :happy7: Had there been only one on offer, it would be easy. Having choice is hard, I remember how easy it was going shopping in socialism - you buy what is on the shelf. Nowadays its pure torture...

    DF is heavier, but in order to actually use its 2 in capability, one has to insert additional weight in shape of the 2 in diagonal. 

    Pan 24 gives 30x and 2.2 deg, and that is sufficient for pretty much everything except the whole Veil, but still hefty 3.5 exit pupil for the filters. Cannot see situations where I would go wider, and I can always mount Borg 71 on the side for even wider views, if needed. My 2 in EPs are also-runs (Hyp31, Aero 40) and would not do Tak optics justice. The rest of my lineup are T6s and ES82 EPs and Delos, surely DC can achieve focus with them? What flummoxes me from all the input in this and other threads is that going DF or FTF route does not necessarily prevent problems, as extenders might be needed. :help:

    Zeroed in on UNI 18 (double clamps and all) and Ayo II, though. If I need tracking for planets at stupid mags I can always use Evo mount, planets are low.

    • Like 2
  6. Thank you very much, @Piero.

    How did you deal with finder? Can one mount just about any quick release shoe on the OTA? I ask because I see some overpriced Tak findershoes and surely no one would buy them unless they made them mandatory. And the option is hard fixing the finder, which is aaargh.

    You went with the clamshells? Are they lighter than the Paralax or similar rings?

    • Like 1
  7. On 27/12/2017 at 23:47, Piero said:

    And here the last set up after upgrading the mount and tripod! :)  It's like moving an excellent dobson! As far as I could tell, vibration damping was a fraction of a second even when the column was extended.

    The last thing I want to add is an M6 bolt on the top of the dovetail as additional safety measure (as Stu suggested in another thread - great advise!)


    Looks splendid, except for that chair - they look good in theory and then just desintegrate. :) Try Astrostuhl from Beat at AOK, its splendid.

    I have a couple of questions as Tak brand seems to be a bit cryptic and the discussion on this and other threads is above my stations.

    I have been looking and DC and DF  and am trying to discern the exact differences.

    DC can be used in 2in mode, but it requires adapters. Any compromises associated with ir, as opposed to 2in out of the box DF solution? Does it vignette? What about 2in filters?

    Microfocusing is either Tak solution or FTF. FTF shorthens light path and some EPs do not focus and binos have to be used with a barlow. (Note: I do not use binos but am trying to be futureproof). Have I missed anything? Which solution is lighter? Shorter?

    Finally, @Piero which mount did you choose and how does it perform. I am lookint at AYO paired up with Berlebach Report, not sure if it fits the bill.

    Just to clarify, I am interested in visual only.

    • Like 1
  8. Just to report that, for our Greek vacation, I packed my clothes like a ninja (wife was astounded) and squeezed both Evolution 8 and (admittedly very compact) Borg 71 with carbon fiber into my estate. 

    No such thing as car with a boot too big.

    The only thing is that for Mars opposition 2018 I will have to take my gear in a submarine to get Mars above 30 degrees...

    • Like 4
  9. Thanks! This is the first time I see something like this released by a manufacturer (or recorded by someone else). Looks like the shorter lengnths cancel the curvature out (the typical one), and I see why 20mm is singled out in reviews...

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