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Everything posted by genna8

  1. Absolute complete and utter NEWBY!! Just purhcased a Skywatcher Explorer 200P + EQ5 mount after hearing so mnay good reports. Now that I actually have it in my posession I seem to be seeing loads of horror stories from people who are tearing their hair out after months of trying to set the scope up. I would really like to know how to do things properly before I dive into the (enourmous) boxes. Any advice appreciated.

    1. xtreemchaos


      you have nothing to worry about,200p is easy to setup and use,you could not of brought a better first scope.if you need help just ask,you are going to see some wonderfull stuff.clear skys..charl..

    2. xtreemchaos


      but first you have to get it out of the boxes.

    3. Dom1961


      I'd suggest putting this into its own thread on the getting started section, you'll get loads more replies and advice

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