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Everything posted by Gutross

  1. Sky was clear in the afternoon, was very hopeful, but as it got closer to sunset high level clouds began to whisp in, decided it was not even worth it to set up as i had to be up at 4am the next morning

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Gutross


      the barlow did not help. i am afraid i can not get close enough to the focus point with the camera. it just might fall down to the length of an EP difrence that is stopping me.

    3. Gutross


      and even if i could find one cheap i would not be able to shell out the cash for a focal reducer, which from what ive read would degrade the image, nor can i move the primary up the tube to acheve focus because it is not my scope

    4. xtreemchaos


      i know the feeling mate,some scopes just wont work with camaras

  2. storms and flooding agian

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Gutross


      so do i, and a report early this morning another dam is about to give way. i dont know if anyone will be directly affected by this one, but i so i hope they are ordering evacuations. as of yesterday morning there were only three Lakes that were a foot below optimal capacity. but that was before yesterday and last night. if it keeps up mor epeople are going to lose their lives, and homes to this weather

    3. Gutross


      I can see mexico being hit with tornados being real bad, atliest here we have fairly sturdy home, welll most of us that dont live in a trailer park. i could see hundreds killed/injured to thousands without homes if one spins up near the "suburbs"

    4. xtreemchaos


      i hope it dont, we lived in trailers for 20 years before i retired so i know thay dont give you much protection.keep safe mate.

  3. CLEAR SKIES!!!!! Yes! only 40 minutes before sunset

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    2. xtreemchaos


      glad your ok,it was all over the news here in uk," crazy weather" keep safe.

    3. Gutross


      wow cant belive it was making the news across the pond. but yes this season has been stressful

    4. xtreemchaos


      yes it was the first bit of news when i put the tv on thismorrning,we get a fair bit of US news here.I think US and UK are different sides of the same coin,we share a lot in common.

  4. I look outside and see blinding bright sunlight, take a peek out the windows. nothing but a perfectly placed hole in the grey mass of clouds

  5. The thoughts popping in my head after reading this, WOW I have never even remotly thought of this! I bet i will be turning this over in my head for days! if i come up with anything worthwhile ill let ya know!
  6. Took home a store display to modify into a base for my friends Nexstar, NO MODDING NEEDED HA! the central bolt that held the spinner is an exact match for the mount on the telescope!! now the skies can clear up for me anytime please

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