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Status Updates posted by JR1987

  1. I just dont understand... every weather report I look at says its clear skies.. yet my window forecast tells me the polar opposite!!

    1. ronin


      Weather is not for your location it is for Kent, London, Sussex, Surrey and possibly Hampshire and Essex. I can see Vega, Deneb and Altair and 2 or 3 others in Cygnus but nothing else in Lyra or Aquila which leads to the question: To the Met Office is that Clear or not?

  2. I'm in a nightclub.. I love nightclubs... But I cannot wait to leave so I can get home and set up the scope to get more subs!!!!

    1. orion25


      Best nightclub is the great outdoors under the stars!

  3. Its another nice clear night.. Bit choppy though, stars are twinkling.. is it worth an imaging session??

  4. Clear... But seeing is abysmal coupled with a moon. Better views from the bottom of the ocean!

  5. Probably the only night ever that I'm glad its cloudy, due to my new scope turning up..but it being completely wrong and needs to be sent back :(

    1. SacRiker


      That sucks...what happened?

  6. Last nights first experiences of true dark skies has totally spoilt my London skies! ;)

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