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Posts posted by CentaurZ

  1. The Lunar X may be seen by telescopic observers in the Americas during the night of 2023 MAR 28-29 for an approximately four-hour period centered on 01:46 CDT (UT-5).

    The X should appear as the Sun rises on the clustered rims of the craters Blanchinus, La Caille and Purbach, while a waxing Half Moon graces the sky.

    This is something to check-off from your astronomical “to-do” list. Photos and descriptions of the Lunar X would be welcome additions to this thread.


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  2. Elusive Mercury has commenced its apparition in the western sky after sunset following its superior conjunction behind the Sun on 2023 MAR 17. This is the most favorable Mercury apparition of 2023 for observers north of the tropics.

    Photos and descriptions of Mercury during this apparition would be welcome additions to this thread.


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  3. 21 hours ago, Captain Scarlet said:

    Curt welcome back, I feel you’ve been absent a while? Or is it simply there haven’t been any noteworthy events lately?

    I observed Ceres last night through my SV140, first time ever seeing that asteroid. I looked for a disc-like shape but without having done the calc I daresay it’s far too small to expect to see a disc.

    I hopped up from M88 to locate it.

    Cheers, Magnus

    Thanks. Indeed, noteworthy astronomical events have been sparse.

    If Ceres is as small as you report, then perhaps its dwarf planet status should be rescinded. 😉

  4. Asteroid 1 Ceres is currently the brightest asteroid at magnitude +6.9. It will appear within Virgo in ecliptical opposition to the Sun on 2023 MAR 21 at magnitude +6.9. Ceres was the first discovered asteroid. It is the largest asteroid, and is also labeled a dwarf planet. Ceres was discovered in 1801, and has a mean diameter of 845 km.


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  5. Asteroid 1 Ceres is currently the brightest asteroid at magnitude +6.9. It will appear within Virgo in ecliptical opposition to the Sun on 2023 MAR 21 at magnitude +6.9. Ceres was the first discovered asteroid. It is the largest asteroid, and is also labeled a dwarf planet. Ceres was discovered in 1801, and has a mean diameter of 845 km.

    Photos and descriptions of Ceres would be welcome additions to this thread.


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  6. 20 hours ago, Observer1975 said:

    I have been using Stellarium for years and it's absolutely accurate. This Occultation was predicted for after 8:30pm PST on January 30th if the weather is clear that evening over Orange, CA (Postal Code 92868).



    Here is a graphic I created for Orange, CA. It's based on the center of Mars relative to the limb of the Moon. Please report on its accuracy. Of course your location is not likely exactly the same as for the Orange coordinates given in Wikipedia.



  7. A waxing gibbous Moon will occult (cover) magnitude -0.3 Mars for observers in the southern USA and Central America during the night of 2023 JAN 30-31.

    The immersion will occur on the lunar dark limb, with emersion from the bright limb. Lucky observers on a graze path can witness the star passing through lunar hills and valleys. Those between the two graze paths will see a full occultation.

    Photos and descriptions of the occultation would be welcome additions to this thread. If you would like specific occultation or graze predictions for your location, please reply to this post with your longitude, latitude, elevation and time zone.


  8. A waxing gibbous Moon will occult (cover) magnitude -0.3 Mars for observers in the southern USA and Central America during the night of 2023 JAN 30-31.

    The immersion will occur on the lunar dark limb, with emersion from the bright limb. Lucky observers on a graze path can witness the star passing through lunar hills and valleys. Those between the two graze paths will see a full occultation.

    Photos and descriptions of the occultation would be welcome additions to this thread. If you would like specific occultation or graze predictions for your location, please reply to this post with your longitude, latitude, elevation and time zone.



  9. A waxing gibbous Moon will occult (cover) magnitude -0.3 Mars for observers in the southern USA and Central America during the night of 2023 JAN 30-31.

    The immersion will occur on the lunar dark limb, with emersion from the bright limb. Lucky observers on a graze path can witness the star passing through lunar hills and valleys. Those between the two graze paths will see a full occultation.

    Photos and descriptions of the occultation would be welcome additions to this thread. If you would like specific occultation or graze predictions for your location, please reply to this post with your longitude, latitude, elevation and time zone.



  10. Asteroid 2 Pallas is currently the brightest asteroid at magnitude +7.7. It will appear within Canis Major in ecliptical opposition to the Sun on 2023 JAN 16 at magnitude +7.6. It has a high orbital eccentricity and inclination.  Pallas was discovered in 1802 and has a mean diameter of 512 km.

    Photos and descriptions of Pallas would be welcome additions to this thread.



  11. On 26/11/2022 at 14:43, Stu said:

    Thank you, I wasn’t aware of this event. It’s at 5am for me so if skies are clear I will have an early one!

    You're welcome, Stu. The opposition and occultation will occur tomorrow night for much of North America and Europe. Unfortonately, no occultation for me and my neighbors here in Florida.  Hopefully those of you in the occultation zone will provide photos, preferably in my similar threads for Observing - Planetary or Lunar.

    • Like 1
  12. Mars will reach opposition from the Sun during the night of December 07-08. At the same time, it will be occulted (covered) by the Full Moon for observers in portions of North America and Europe.

    Photos and descriptions of Mars during its current apparition would be welcome additions to this thread. If you would like specific occultation or graze predictions for your location, please reply to this post with your longitude, latitude, elevation and time zone.


    Below are 2 charts with data for observers in both Chicagoland and London.


    Chicagoland data:



    London Data:


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  13. Mars will reach opposition from the Sun during the night of December 07-08. At the same time, it will be occulted (covered) by the Full Moon for observers in portions of North America and Europe.

    Photos and descriptions of Mars during its current apparition would be welcome additions to this thread. If you would like specific occultation or graze predictions for your location, please reply to this post with your longitude, latitude, elevation and time zone.


    Below are 2 charts with data for observers in both Chicagoland and London.


    Chicagoland data:



    London Data:



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  14. A Total Lunar Eclipse will occur during the pre-dawn hours of 2022 NOV 08 for observers in North America. Also that evening for those in the lands bordering the western Pacific Ocean. Sorry Europeans, you're shut out.

    Below is my rendering of the stages of the eclipse. It's a preview graphic for the upcoming eclipse as seen against an imaginary blue wall to make the shadow fully apparent. The predicted event timings are in CST (UT-6), but will occur at essentially the same real time for all observers experiencing nighttime. The depicted orientation and Moon altitudes are for an observer at Chicago’s Adler Planetarium.

    Photos and descriptions of the eclipse would be welcome additions to my similar thread in the Observing-Lunar forum.


  15. A Total Lunar Eclipse will occur during the pre-dawn hours of 2022 NOV 08 for observers in North America. Also that evening for those in the lands bordering the western Pacific Ocean. Sorry Europeans, you're shut out.

    Below is my rendering of the stages of the eclipse. It's a preview graphic for the upcoming eclipse as seen against an imaginary blue wall to make the shadow fully apparent. The predicted event timings are in CST (UT-6), but will occur at essentially the same real time for all observers experiencing nighttime. The depicted orientation and Moon altitudes are for an observer at Chicago’s Adler Planetarium.

    Photos and descriptions of the eclipse would be welcome additions to this thread.



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