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  1. Update - zero reply from Hotech, doesn't reflect well on their support. Collimator returned for a full refund.
  2. Well I suppose we can all hope that if it conains any GPL covered software ZWO plays by the rules. Or perhaps we can hope they'll offer acceptable support.
  3. thanks for the reply and taking the time to photograph. Yes, I did see they're essentially the same with the 2" having an extra adapter. Yours definitely looks different to mine and looks how I would have expected. Seems to confirm my suspicion but I've emailed Hotech for absolute confirmation. Best wishes, Pul
  4. thanks, that's the 2" beam. The 1.25" beam is identical. Paul
  5. I wondered if anyone has experience of a Hotech SCA laser collinator? Slightly long tail but the TLDR is - the photo shows the beam from mine, is this normal? I wanted a Hotech SCA 2". I ordered a 1.25" accidentally so then ordered a 2" with a view to returning the 1.25". The 2" arrived quickly but shows the above pattern. It's perhaps not the best photo bust shows the following "issues" an extra spot just to the 5 0'clock position of the centre an extra spot at 5 0'clock just beyond the boundary of the cross asymmetrical cross hairs I have been in contact with the UK supplier, not their fault, who advised me to open the 1.25" to check and it shows an identical pattern. The supplier has offered a full refund, thanks, but also said quite reasobaly the centre spot is important. The reason I got the Hotech was the self centering feature which others do not offer. I've not yet checked the collimation of the laser but there's no obstructions I can see to account for the asymmetrical diffraction pattern. I have yet to approach Hotech but just wondered if this pattern is "normal" (and it is consistent across different angles and surfaces)? I'd still like to keep it for the self-centering feature but it just feels like a defect but it's odd it's on 2 lasers. thanks for your time, Paul
  6. thought it was, may be wrong. I'll check later.
  7. Random question, based on ignorance but something I have pondered. I too have an OO 'scope with a report. Much is talked about the 1/8th or 1/10th accuracy but surely this doesn't tell the full story? It's a fraction of something and so the wavelength used must, surely, be important too. My report seems that a red light wavelength is used which must be more forgiving than a green or blue. That then begs the questions 1) what is "normal" for the wavelength used to measure? 2) If most use green or shorted and OO use red then it's a slightly meaningless report to use to compare. 3) What does 1/4 wave (I've read is diffraction limited) in blue translate to in red or what does 1/8th (or 1/10th) in red translate to for other wavelengths? Whilst my mirror seems fine (reported as 1/8th wavew PV) I still have no idea how it compares to others purely based on numbers (and yes I appreciate some answers will be a star test will show things and I don't have the book or the time to analyse using Suiter's book.)
  8. Great, glad it's working as mine did work too. Paul
  9. I have it working. It is definitely the Lazy and not Easy focus you have is it? I have the relevant files and a registry file to get it all registered. I've addedd them to the post. I have successfully used the Moonlite driver and also used the Moonlite plugin through SkyX without issue. Paul -LazyFocus.rar
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