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Status Updates posted by notimejeff

  1. HI there, I note you have an Equinox80 which I'm about to order, and also Hyperions and Televues EPs. Do you use the Hyperions on the Eq80 without any problems? I'm looking at a 2" one but not sure if it's too heavy, esp with a star diagonal. And do you Barlow them? Doesn't seem much point in using a Barlow with a widefield, better get dedicated EP's, but then what do I know! Any thoughts welcome, good luck.


    1. Cornelius Varley

      Cornelius Varley

      It might be better to start a proper thread in the correct forum section rather than posting questions in someone elses status update. That way you will get more replies to your questions.

      SGL mods team

  2. HI there, saw your post about your Equinox80, just about to buy one. What EP's do you use if I may ask? The max mag is 160 which I think would need a 3.5mm, but I'd be reluctant to push it that far. I thought of a Baader Hyperion 24mm with a diagonal, maybe a 12 or 15mm as well. Any thoughts welcome....Best.

  3. Hi there, hope you don't mind quick question. I'm looking at getting a Skywatcher Equinox 80ED but as it comes without EP's I have to choose a widefield one. The Baader Hyperion 24mm looks good but I'm a bit concerned about the weight, esp with a diagonal. The f-ratio is 6.25, so I'm interested that you've found the 5mm ok with an F6. The Equinox is well-built, metal, and has a 2" focuser so it should be ok even if it needs a bit of weight on the front to balance it. Scary business, buying EPs, so any thoughts welcome.  Best.....

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