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Posts posted by Floater

  1. Derek, I apologise if you are annoyed at me being your 'mirror'. I hope that's not the case, though (no pun intended), and you see it as it's meant, just fun.

    Mrs Floater has warned me before - several times, unfortunately - about my idea of 'fun' not being to everyone's taste!

    Without doubt, your EP collection is awesome - but I shall await with some glee the next post that has the words 'I'm done' in it. :-))

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  2. I still think the eyepiece storeage area that Tim Wetherell made for his fantastic 8" refractor is the best I've seen. Come to mention it the scope is one of the best I've seen too :grin:

    Here's mine, doubles as a seat. :)


    I'm happy to see this thread run forever if this is the sort of thing we're heading towards. The 'seat' was enough to make my jaw drop and then when I saw that beautiful scope, storage space - and the lighting/setting - Mrs Floater rushed to get me a brandy. Bless her.

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  3. This is it!

    Having taken delivery of my 40mm EP, I will not be buying any more eyepieces for some considerable time. I intend to work with these and build my experience looking through them.

    And I have avoided inserting any question marks or ellipses - because I have made up my mind. Too much time (and money) spent on researching and hunting down the EPs and filters I had decided would cover all bases for me and my scopes.

    So no more scouring the classifieds, ABS, Astroboot or eBay. I'm done. I'm there. It's complete. Over. Sorted.

    Thanks for looking, as the ads might say.


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