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Posts posted by Floater

  1. First post in this section ... because I’m looking forward to the above bins arriving tomorrow.

    Mainly looking to use terrestrial but hoping they will provide a better experience than my ‘field glasses’ when scanning the night sky.

    I’ve chosen these after a favourable review in Sky at Night magazine. Anybody have any experience with them?

    • Like 3
  2. I suggest you wait and see:

    a) how you get on with binoviewing (some folks just don’t enjoy the experience)

    b) how your setup works (Barlow, or not; glass path corrector, or not; is magnification/FOV suitable).

    Knowing these things will help you choose any other EPs.

    Hope you have fun. I enjoy BVs, especially for solar and lunar.


    • Like 1
  3. Welcome from me, too. I hope you have lots of fun ... you certainly produce wonderful images. 🙂

    Not sure where you are but the Aberdeen Astronomical Society meets fortnightly and might be of some interest ... ?

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  4. +1 for the binoviewers, too.

    Didn’t want to get into that earlier but I agree that the bins are great on Sol. However, some folks just don’t get on with them, I believe ... 😕

    Binoviewers also bring their own ‘challenges’ in respect of achieving focus. This often (usually?) requires some Barlow or corrector element in the train and this extra magnification, in turn, affects the choice of eyepieces.

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