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Skipper Billy

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Posts posted by Skipper Billy

  1. The Tadpoles and friends. Tadpoles (IC410) and the Spider Nebula (IC417) and the Fly (NGC1931). Imaged on 28th/29th November 2019. 3 hours Ha and 2 hours each of SII and OIII - all binned 1x1. Tak 106 with Atik 16200. Fully calibrated and processed in Pixinsight. To be honest I am really disappointed with the framing - I think I was trying to squash too much in the frame - I should probably have concentrated on the Tadpoles in the centre of the image.

    Hi res here - https://www.flickr.com/photos/113316085@N05/49147382488/in/album-72157675109735132/

    Tadpoles Hubble Master v2.jpg

    • Like 12
  2. 1 hour ago, saac said:

    Billy I can see the effect in the image that you are talking about albeit if you hadn't said it would be hard to notice. It is an otherwise lovely shot of Pleiades.  As mentioned above I do hope you can get it resolved either by warranty or by processing out.  Just for info could you explain what exactly is meant by a dead column  - is it simply a column on the sensor which is not not reading and is it a common problem?

    In the image above it is largely processed out - it is very noticeable in the individual subs - particularly the 2x2 subs. AFAIK its a column of pixels that just doesn't work.


    Blue 2x2.JPG

    • Thanks 1
  3. 22 minutes ago, tooth_dr said:

    David, is it in your darks and flats too? If a dead column is 1px wide would you even see it?  I’ve several on each of my KAF8300 which calibrate out with bias.


    I make a calibration file library at the start of the season and the column defect isnt in any of them so it must have just appeared.

    I guess I will have to make a new library but I will see what FLO say first.

    All the best.


    • Like 1
  4. The Pleiades - M45 - Takahashi 106, Atik 16200, Atik EFW3 filter wheel, Baader 2" broadband filters, Mesu 200 mount guided with SW ED72 and ASI 290 mono. Software - SGP, PHD2, processed In Pixinsight using the new WBPP script and fully calibrated with darks, bias and flats. 5 hours exposure @ -30º - 3 hours Lum binned 1x1 and 40 mins each RG and B binned 2x2.

    Hi -Res here - https://www.flickr.com/photos/113316085@N05/49128562801/in/album-72157675109735132/

    Just discovered I have a dead column in my new camera!  Vertically about 80 - 85% across to the right of the image.  😞 



    • Like 20
  5. I have a fairly low spec Intel NUC velcroed to the side of my scope - all USB and power cables custom made to the correct length (I am bit OCD about that) 😉 

    Only one cable from the scope to the ground !

    For connectivity the NUC communicates wirelessly with a Powerline adapter about a metre away and my indoors PC does the same. (The obsy is on the same ring main as the dining room.)

    I use RDP in windows and it works flawlessly.

    Some photos here.......

    unnamed (1).jpg


  6. 43 minutes ago, Totally_Computerized said:

    Has anyone any experience with the skywatcher star adventurer pro or similar mounts as i could just get one of those for use with the camera and maybe a small refractor i think the weight limit was about 10 pounds . 

    I bought one recently just for a giggle really but I have to say I am really quite impressed with it. With reasonable polar alignment and a Canon 70D with a 200mm prime lens I can get 40 seconds unguided with reasonably trail free images.

    Its really good fun!!

    I can also use it set at 90 degrees for slow scanning time lapse!

    I would suggest its a good intro to imaging without spending much money.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Atreta said:

    Hi,  i also prefer to use stellarium instead of cdc.

    To control your mount using stellarium without stellarium scope is not implemented yet on the main version. You'll have to download the test version(I'll try to check the link and post here) or  use it with stellarium scope for the moment. 

    Edit: this is where it's discussed https://github.com/Stellarium/stellarium/issues/406

    And this is the link for an install file(also posted in the discussion above): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hgTWKgmOgYq2OFNchOLdZxLgpZlKXPi7?usp=sharing

    Thanks Frank - that's extremely helpful.


    • Like 1
  8. When I set up my Mesu 200 I followed the instructions to the letter and part of that was using Carte du Ciel 

    I have tried to love CdC but I cant - I still much prefer Stellarium. CdC works brilliantly with the Mesu but its not for me.

    I understand that the latest versions of Stellarium do not require the use of Stellarium Scope as a separate programme.

    So last night the seeing was dire so I tried to connect Stellarium to my Mesu.

    I got the Configuration - Telescope control and despite trying every combination of the connection options I could get it to work.

    Out of curiosity I downloaded Stellarium Scope and it connected first time !

    Any suggestions anyone???  I am using Stellarium v0.19.1



  9. The Elephants Trunk Complex (IC1396) - Takahashi 106 EDXVi, Atik 16200, Atik EFW3 filter wheel, Baader 2" narrowband filters, Mesu 200 mount guided with SW ED72 and ASI 290 mono. Software - SGP, PHD2, processed In Pixinsight and fully calibrated with darks, bias and flats. 3 hours Ha - 2 hours Oiii and 2 hours Sii all binned 1x1 - Processed in Hubble pallet using Pixinsight. Very poor seeing and 72% moon.


    Hi res version here - https://www.flickr.com/photos/113316085@N05/49083911368/in/album-72157675109735132/

    IC1396 Elephants Trunk Complex.jpg

    • Like 15
  10. Very sad - I was only speaking with him the other day - he used some of my images in his recent book 'Oor Big Braw Cosmos'.

    A very nice chap and a real 'old school' gentleman'

    My sincere condolences to his family.


  11. 13 minutes ago, carastro said:

    Flats are essential for vignetting and removing dust.  I can't process an image properly without flats as the centre is always brighter than the middle.  Any-one who says you can get away without doing flats is kidding themselves and will probably be able to get a much better result if they used flats. 



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