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Everything posted by murkey

  1. Good shout, I used one briefly but not long term but I was very impressed, TBH I would have got 6D's for my wedding photography had they had 2 card slots like the 5D3/4.
  2. My full time job is a wedding photographer, I currently have a couple of 5D3's and a 5D4, before the 5D3's I had 5D2's and before that a 5D1, I also had a 40D but started with a 300D, I also have a 1DS-MKII which doesn't get used due to the low ISO capabilities but does take a lovely image. Owning these full frame cameras (apart from the 40D & 300D) over the last 15 years, the key reason for me to upgrade has been the ISO and the focusing system, for AP the focusing system is not so vital but ISO is. I can say anything before the 5D2's would have a lot of noise around and above 1600iso, a 5D2 would shoot with a some noise at 3200iso but can be improved in software, the 5D3 is fine at 3200iso with a little noise and can be pushed further, the 5D4 I regularly shoot at 6400iso for first dance images and now and again push it to 12800iso, again some noise but not too much of a problem with software. Yes the 5D4 is best of the bunch but it was the smallest advancements over the previous upgrades, its better than the 5D3 in lots of small ways but not one big way. So if you want to get a good camera at a great price (around £1000 or less) that can handle decent ISO I would say go for a low shutter count 5D3, saying that one of my 5D3's has around 400,000 actuation's while the other is getting towards 300,000, both on the original shutter! Of course all this is irrelevant if you want to stick with crop sensor based cameras but in general full frame bodies handle noise better..
  3. I don’t like wasps but wouldn’t kill them unless forced too, I killed one last year as I stepped on it bare foot on my lawn, it hit me with its sting right in the soft arch part of my foot, it kicked like a mule and I genuinely thought I stepped on a big rusty nail!! It really hurt... Two weeks later I got stung again on the elbow and my arm swelled up for days! All this after going 44 years without being stung by nothing... Still, live and let live I say..
  4. At £850 that is a good price for a really great scope, but it does make the auction scope a bit of a gamble, saying that it came with a great Polaris mount, some eyepieces and other bits so adding them in it may have been a good deal..
  5. It is a shame if its damaged the fluorite, another tell tell sign of damp is the look of mildew on this leather look case -
  6. Hi All, I just wondered if anyone here purchased this classic Vixen fluorite scope with mount and extras? I was really keen on it as I once had a Tak FS-102 which I regrettably sold many years ago, so owning another 4" scope of similar quality is always there for me.. At £600 closing bid it had another 27.6% to add as it was purchased online which comes out at £765.00, thing that put me off was the look of mould on the front element or worse on the fluorite element? Anyway if someone here did purchase it I hope it turns out a good one and would love to see a review of it after a clean up, I would have been tempted to bid high had I been more local and had a chance to view it and access the front element issues. Auction Link - https://www.stridesauctions.co.uk/catalogue/lots/2EBA51A3E095E93E79728E5CE168783892894EFD2FE0E33DACE5D49F95FB16FB/B68C29BC0201733ABC433BC257A823AD/antiques-etc-lot-1120a/?d
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