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Everything posted by healeddoughnut

  1. You guys are amazing, lots of wonderful advice. To answer some of your questions, I have listed them in order...lol. Bingevader; I have 40mm, 32mm, 25mm, 20mm, 10mm, 6mm and a 3.5mm lenses, plus 5 filters, and a Barlow x 2. I think that's ok for a start don't you? Paul M; I also have Stellarium and Sky Safari, plus Sky Map on my mobile, can you recommend one for my pc perhaps? To Jiggy 67, I actually ordered Turn Left at Orion 2 days ago, just waiting for it to come. Thanks for that affirmation. Des: that's a really good idea, having a note book, I can get my kids to write down what we see so they can learn too. Stu1smartcookie: I couldn't agree more about my kids enjoying it, they cant believe they are looking at the moon and Venus, describing in beautiful childish detail to their grandma what they have seen. Thanks to all who replied, I did join this forum a good few years back, but with one thing and another, life kinda got in the way and this got put on the back burner. We have a nice house now, with a large pitch black garden, so I am really hopeful I will get to see lots this year, and be able to report back here. Thanks again guys, stay safe and well. Kindest regards Steve
  2. Hi all, fantastic forum, I must say. As a relative beginner, this lockdown has made me "get out the scope", and now my kids are fascinated with the moon, (they can see aliens in the craters would you believe). I personally would like to see some deep sky objects such as galaxies and nebula's. My scope is a Celestron 150mm XLT which my wife bought for me, I have to say the best pressie ever. I recall as a kid one of my neighbours showed me Saturn and I was hooked. Always wanted my own but was never in one place long enough to own one. Now I do. So the advice I am after is what is the best way to see galaxies/nebulas using my Celestron. Can I see them? Do I need any special eye pieces? Your advice and guidance would be most gratefully received. I hope you are all well and safe in these uncertain times, and may I thank you in advance. Kind regards Steve
  3. healeddoughnut

    First Moon shot

    This is my first attempt at astrophotography.
  4. From the album: First Moon shot

    My first attempt at taking pics of the Moon.
  5. Hi, what scope and camera did you use please, Fab picture by the way.
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