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Everything posted by astrosatch

  1. Just unlock both axes and rotate them as much as you like. If it snags anywhere, verify if mount actually goes to that location when slewing. Just don't do 360 degrees.
  2. Will try that once asi290 arrives. Clear sky, Andrej
  3. Thanks Vlaiv. A lot of good information here.😀 About distance from sensor. I have asi1600mm. There's 11mm extension tube between FW and OAG. If oag is moved next to FW, would benefit be noticeable? In that case I must buy another 10mm M48 extender to connect it from oag to CC/FF to retain correct distance from camera.
  4. Thanks Vlaiv for reply. I would be using it with oag 800mm fl F4 with asiair pro to implement new feature of multistar guiding. With asi120mm had occasional star lost and found again situation, but in general ok guiding. However dimmer stars were rarely good for guiding. Maybe broader dinamic range of asi290 would improve things. Andrej
  5. Hi! I'm waiting for asi290mm mini to arive to replace my asi120mm mini and wondering how low noise of this camera affects sensitivity. Both cameras has approximately same QE and 290mm has smaller pixels than 120mm. This would in theory make latter better choice except for higher noise it has. Other users experience speak for 290mm to be a better camera for guiding making it quite more sensitive. Does lower noise really make that a difference? And is there any mathematical way to prove this? Andrej
  6. Hi!I received Ioptron gem45g (iguide) mount and would like to know if I can install my own cables and how. There is no openings on Ra tail like on gem45 (without iguide). I'm using asiair pro and want to connect it from dovetail saddle.Andrej
  7. Does anyone have any experience with this mount?
  8. In the meantime when I'm "patiently" waiting for new gem45 to arrive, I'm curious how other users are satisfied/disatisfied with it. Clear skies, Andrej
  9. Thank you SamAndrew for your input. I don't care about weight. Only if lighter means less stable. Is that the case in this situation? What about spring loaded zero backlash gear of gem45? Is this noticeble improvement over eq6-r?
  10. Hi! I have quattro cf 8" 10kg on Heq5 belt modded mount and want to upgrade for higher payload. My wallet is only thick enough for something like eq6-r or maybe ioptron gem45 if 700 eur more is worth considering it. Quattro is quite big, so how does lighter head of gem45 cope with moment arm considering payload is the same at both mounts? There is not much info about gem45 yet and I don't want to make wrong decision and regret it later. Andrej
  11. Yes, that would work. Thanks you both for help. Andrej
  12. Greetings! I have Baader diamond steeltrack focuser mounted on quattro 8". However there is opening under because focuser doesn't fit tightly on tube and close the hole. Is there any way I could fill it? I am concerned about light leak. Thanks Andrej
  13. Hi!After meridian flip there are elongated stars in one corner more profound than before flip. Probably because of camera pull towards ground. Is there any way to minimize that? How to tighten focuser more firmly?It's dificult to procces that after.Thanks,Andrej
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