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dark knight

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Posts posted by dark knight

  1. I took the plunge and bought a new cem70 mount and tripier a few weeks back and so finally managed to get it all set up. Today I set up the mini pc and cables and as luck would have it tonight is clear!!! I've spent tonight setting up phd2 and making sure everything is talking to each other.  We'll to say I'm blown away by this mount is an under statement. Slewing to targets via nina puts them bang center  of my camera!!!! Guiding performance seems to be something I could of only dreamed about a few days ago, I'm really pleased with this mount and pier combo, I'm sat here looking at the a guiding graph that is almost perfectly flat!!! RMS error total 0.17 !!! unbelievable, this mount has replaced my trusty neq6 and I have to say I'm not disappointed. My only gripe is the small screws holding the top plate of the tripier, these are totally inadequate imho, so will probably replace these.



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  2. Hi everyone, I've just received my new cem70 mount and now looking at cable management so need some shorter cables. In particular I need a 5.5 x2.1mm centre positive  to usb c. This will connect the mounts hub to power a mini pc (USB c input). Anyone know where to get these, I can only find pd charging cables. Who would of thought the topic of cables would cause problems.

  3. Wow that really does look so much better thank you Bugdozer!!! I really need to learn whatever you did!! My main issue is my glasses have a grey tint (early manacular degeneration) to filter out certain light wavelengths and so my perception of colours is skewed and without glasses  my near vision is rubbish lol. Once again many thanks, oh and our nieces son is a radiographer in Sussex too!!!

  4. Had a nice sky at home last week so managed to get out and have another go at the Eastern Veil but this time with the 2600mc pro, 29 x3min exposures plus darks and bias frames, stacked in APP and bit of basic processing in Gimp. My eyes are not what they were and having to wear specially tinted glasses does mean I struggle with processing so what I think looks ok'ish may look awful to the rest of you lol. Anyhow as always constructive criticism is always welcome. 


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  5. Fridays nights quick session consisted of 2 targets in Cygnus. First up was a favourite of mine when using a DSLR, so thought it time to see how the 2600mc pro compares. Well I have to say I'm astounded at the difference especially given the difference in acquisition time, this target used to take at least an hour and probably longer with the dslr to get the same result!!! Anyhow here it is, The Veil Nebula, only 10x 3min  lights plus darks and bias frames, L-Enhance filter.


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  6. Had a very small window of opportunity the other night so thought Id give M13 a quick go, what really amazed me was the number of other fuzzy little galaxies in the image after processing, I'm really starting to love the 2600mc pro camera!!!. of course as per the norm I will add more date in time, and hope against all odds my processing skills will improve. one thing I have also noticed is the output from one piece of software into another eg say APP to Gimp can be strange, the image seemed very light in APP and yet quite dark when loaded into Gimp and exported as jpeg, anyone shed any light on this please? 

    35*1min plus darks and bias, camera set to 100 gain 20 offset cooled to -5.

    M13 rough processed.jpg

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  7. I don't mean to dishearten you but the first thing i noticed was the stars seem slightly egg shaped, are you using a field flattener? Has the telescopes collimation been checked? how do you focus? what mount are you using? Maybe it was windy, a SW200p is a large telescope and even a breeze can affect results. I would definitely try again without the filter and see what difference it makes also from reading around the web there is lots of info on how to get rid of the green tinge.  More data capture is always a good thing. Maybe shoot some bias frames and add them into the stacking.

  8. Finally got out with the new camera and managed a quick session. This is only 50x2min subs plus darks, camera set to 100 gain, 20 offset, temperature -5. I need much more data but after all the clouds we've had impatience got the better of me so processed what I have so far using APP and photoshop. I know its far from perfect so tips very very welcome, this is a huge step up for me moving from dslrs to a dedicated OSC also my processing skills leave a lot to be desired!!!!

    M81_APP-RGB-session_1-cbg-St photoshopprocessedjpeg.jpg

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