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Posts posted by upahill

  1. Im using the GPCAM too, it took me some tweaking to get the images to solve the first time.
    If you are getting clear stars in the preview then maybe try tweaking the star detection settings in the polar alignment screen. Off the top of my head thats where I got hung up.
    Also a dark library if you havent already done it really helps. Cant look up my settings at the moment as the astropc is in the car :(

    First time I tried it I was so out of focus I didn't realise I was trying to plate solve hot pixels ?

  2. Best £10 I have spent in the hobby yet.

    You will not regret it.

    Super simple, let it plate solve, rotate the scope 90 degrees, click next and then make the adjustments it tells you to. All the time its resolving and updating.

  3. I can vouch for the Ender 3, got one for my old-man and it hasn't let him down yet (although he doesnt do the cad work)

    Have also had Tevo/CTC/Formlabs and Custom builds but for simplicity at the price the Ender can't be beaten really. That being said, if you want something that just works everone swears by the Prusa and had I had the funds at the time thats what would be sat on my old mans desk now.

    Yet to see anything totally turn-key yet though - it seems every way you go you need to be prepared to tinker a little.

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