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Posts posted by Richie092

  1. I don’t think it does. The idea is to create your capture list. Save it as “insert target here” then go to the scheduler, import it, then fill in the rest of the settings 


    I don’t use scheduler at the moment I just set my alarm to wake me when the capture run has finished then manually park and shut down/dismantle 


  2. I just use a USB port from the Pegasus to power the Pi. Works fine. 

    I checked the other night and I was drawing 3.5 amps. Most of that was the Atik camera. Not using dew straps yet


    I did go for the expensive power supply in the end. When you add up the cost of everything else I didn’t think it was worth skimping. 

    The Pegasus has transformed my set up and take down times  I love it   



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  3. Ekos on StellarMate for me. 
    I got back in to AP during lockdown and when I logged back in here I noticed people talking about the Raspberry Pie. I thought they were talking about dessert until I looked in to it 

    It is a bit of a steep learning curve if like me you don’t have a clue but worth the effort. 6 years ago I remember having multiple programs open on an ageing laptop trying to get them all to work together. Wasn’t fun. 

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  4. Ah yes, but as I have the older Star 71 I cant get the 105mm space between hole centres so I had to turn the gold dovetail over and "bodge it" with nuts and bolts, can't quite get my fingers under to use as a carry handle but is rock solid.

    Are you going for the uniguide? This one was in stock so went for it but it doesn't have a focuser, was a bit of a faff setting it up.

    I will admit it isn't quite as neat from the other side...


  5. Another way to look at it is - You have ordered yourself a great visual set up there in my humble opinion. Over time, you can build up a second outfit from value second hand purchases for AP and keep using your Nexstar for visual.

    I did exactly what you have done. Tons of research then ordered the 8 Edge HD on an Evolution mount. It took a month or so to arrive and in that time I decided I wanted to go down the AP rabbit hole. Don't regret buying it though as I use it while the imaging set up is taking, well, images.

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