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Status Updates posted by DommyDevil18

  1. I have done something that will be beneficial for the Astronomy communities and made a thesis on both the Asteroid and Kuiper Belts

  2. I could be photographing the Sun right now but I am stuck in College XD

  3. I devised a way with 7 methods to calculate the Habitable Zone with my Girlfriend impressive on my behalf

    1. Myopicus


      Genius! Seriously, patent and copyright it now. Don't forget 'intellectual property rights'. Before you know it you'll be a millionaire!

    2. DommyDevil18


      We have allowed the IAU to use it when we consent to it :)

  4. Took a picture of Orions Belt last night yet it wont let me upload it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JessicaFaye


      I had the same thing with my cr2 files but they're fine if you convert to jpeg or load them in PS or Lr

    3. Stargazer33


      If you're using DSS you may need to download the latest codec for your camera. Go to DSS site and follow the links. Sorted mine out!

    4. DommyDevil18


      How do I convert :)

  5. I hope that when I am on Half Term next week the weather becomes lovely and that my Sciatica does not play up

    1. JessicaFaye


      Here's hoping for you!!

    2. DommyDevil18


      Thank you I am setting myself a Target to see the Planet Saturns Seven largest moons in Titan Rhea Dione Mimas Tethys Iapetus and Enceladus again :)

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