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Status Updates posted by aces101st

  1. alot of cloud cover but heres hopeing tho

  2. ok am readin on a artical about tht metoer they reckon it was a 10 ton that crashed thro oor earth the day thts huge ....

  3. wot a vid of the crashing meteor damn its crazy so much damage just as well its not a massive one .....

  4. if aye can get one wish and one wish only and that would be nice clear crystal skys .... guess that wont happen any time soon sighs.....lol

  5. ok no clear skys yet once agin have to hang me boots up for this season :( had no clear skys since decemeber 21st kinda sucks of the british weather wot can you do aye suppose

  6. still dont have clear skys here agin since last year kinda gettin bit of a joke noo grrrrr u damn clouds

  7. fnly clear skys for 2mnths bet not be long tho aye guess

  8. happy new year to all the sgl make it a good one :) fingers cross for better skys lol :) cya all have a nivce new year wen it comes

  9. just hope 2013 has bit better weather for astronomy havent seen much the open universe this year kinda sucks roll on 2013 let it be a good year for astronomers :) fingers cross

  10. have a nice xmas sgl dont get to drunk now peeps :)

  11. omg this year for skys are very Rubbish hope 2013 be bit better for observein the nght skys to much clouds as per

  12. hey sgl peeps wots all your thoughts about the doomsday for friday aka 2moz tell me wot you think peeps be nice to have me thoughts at ease aye guess so please tell me your thought be great folks

    1. crashtestdummy


      a well known mayan guy has today announced that he thinks its rubbish and that echoes my sentiments.i think the mayans just couldnt get any more number on their piece of stone

    2. Daniel-K


      will tell you when i wake up in the morning

  13. perfect night good to see orions belt in crystal clear skys and jupiter bright as always wot a night of veiw the universe wonderful world we live in ....

  14. damn those clouds ughhhhhhhhhh

  15. spyin on jupiter.. great viewin as per wonderful planet to look at starting to cloud here agin night peeps.... )

  16. rip sir patrick moore u will be missed legend for sure ......

  17. winter clouds not doin me any favours for a mnth now kinda sucks :(

  18. good to have clear skys the night for the metoer showers fingers cross that it holds it out

  19. tonight star gazein for defo friday rock on woop woop

  20. rain rain rain cloud and more sum ugh

  21. no clear skys yet agin the night as per stupid weather

  22. typical british weather always cloudy wen u dont want it ugh!!!!!!

  23. hopein to have clear skys the night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. more cloud the night agin

  25. o ps love me fmly to bits but wen it comes to me telescope well u no lol ......

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