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Posts posted by Hals

  1. Sol at 10:31 2nd June 2024.

    Seeing average at start then deteriorated as the session went on.

    ED80, Lunt Wedge & ASI174MM mini.  Best 24% of 1500 frames. Captured in Sharpcap, processed in AutoStakkert, Registax and PS.




    10_31_11_Sun_lapl5_ap1673 PG FLATTENED.png

    10_31_11_Sun_lapl5_ap1673 PG FLATTENED COLOURPNG.png

    • Like 4
  2. That is definitely orientated correctly.

    Depending on your main imaging camera sensor size you may be able to lower the prism further into the light path.

    As others have said you can check by doing flats looking for the prism shadow (which calibrates out anyway).

    I have a similar issue to you with a very small portion of my OAG view vignetting (Edge 8HD, Celestron OAG\0.7 reducer & 174MMMini) but it does not cause any problems guiding. 

    I never have any issues with the 174 in that regard and can always do multi-star guiding.


  3. I could ditch the autofocuser to save about 380g but it's really convenient to use especially because  I still use the 80ED for nighttime imaging. Think I'll be ok as is, looking on CN and around the web people have used heavier rigs successfully on the SQ.  

  4. Great images Nicos. 👍

    What's the weight of your Borg 89ED with imaging kit on the SolarQuest?

    I'm using an Evostar ED80 with a Lunt 2" wedge, SensoSesto autofocuser and AS174MM, all up weight of 4.7kg and was wondering if the SolarQuest could handle it ?

    Currently using a HEQ5 but thinking about the SQ for ease of set up and more portability.



  5. Edge on spiral NGC 4565 "The Needle Galaxy", a popular target in Coma Berenices.

    Just under seven hours integration time including a couple of hours during the recent Great May Aurora, when this galaxy was right in the middle of a very bright display. I decided to incorporate these subs because clear skies are at a premium. Some awful gradients and resulting colour bias to remove so this is the best I could do under those circumstances. 

    Edge 8HD, 0.7 reducer via ASI294MMPro. LRGB. Stacked in DSS, processed in GraXpert and PS. 

    One day I'll get around to PixInsight.




    NGC4565 Proc2 ANNOpng.png

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  6. I marked all the somewhat washed out subs in Nina with the "thumbs down" icon when the aurora was in full swing. A really strong part of it was right where I was imaging and showed up just like thin cloud. When I get round to processing the final image (still only about halfway through my planned sequence) I'll have a closer look at the poor ones, see if they can be salvaged.

    All in all a small sacrifice for such a wonderful sky show. 

    • Like 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, Vic L S said:

    Thanks. I did come across some people saying the Celestron OAG taking quite abit of backfocus? But it's got a bigger sensor. 

    I might have to look at the OAG-L. Seems like a good compromise of sensor size and having more backfocus allowance. 

    Take a look here...https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.ancientphotonsastro.com/post/back-focus-for-the-edge-hd-8-at-f-7-and-f-10-using-a-celestron-oag&ved=2ahUKEwixgb_t1OKFAxXJSkEAHU7LD7MQFnoECBUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0_W8pERpcnbX-nDLc-Snex

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