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Everything posted by Geoffw

  1. Fixed! as advised took the back off and used the smallest cable tie I could find as there is little space between the back of the display and the case. I also shaped a tiny bit of a match d pushed that into the cable end prior to fitting the cable tie. Seems to have done the trick as everything feel solid now. Thanks for the advice.
  2. I thought about that but I thinks a zip tie would also slip as my insulation tape obviously did.
  3. A clamping grommet seems the answer, however the one you suggest looks a bit large and there is little internal space in the handset case. https://www.amazon.co.uk/iplusmile-Grommet-Electric-Protection-Connectors/dp/B08VGFP85M/ref=sr_1_7?crid=H0K44XZLE5SN&keywords=cable+grommet+clamp&qid=1667986534&sprefix=cable+grommet+clamp%2Caps%2C116&sr=8-7
  4. Don't think so. The end goes into a rectangular connector on the board. I'm not sure how to remove it, but if i did I don't think the sleeve would slip over the end.
  5. I have a problem with my Celestron StarSense Handset where the cable enters the handset. It still works but the black (Coiled) shielding cable has become detached revealing the internal cabling. I initially tried fixing from the outside but failed. So I carefully opened the handset and pushed the loose end of the black coiled cable back into the case and wound some insulation tape around it on the inside. Unfortunately, as you can see from the image this hasn't worked, as he insulation tape has not held it. Before I start dabbling with the superglue. Has anyone else got a fix for this?
  6. I am pleasantly surprised at your possible price suggestions. I didn't contemplate getting even near a grand for it..
  7. Yes the GPS does work, and the newer V4 handset solved the problem that emerged with the date resetting 17 years.
  8. What’s it worth? – Nexstar GPS 9.25” I have a Nexstar GPS that is now too heavy for me to handle, and I wish to pass it on. It is in full working order and seems optically in a reasonable condition. The handset has been updated to Version 4. It has the original tripod. However, I have no idea of what the kit is worth or how much to ask for it.. Can anyone give me some guidance?
  9. You clearly didn't get a reply. I was iterested but they are so expensive to buy new.
  10. I thought this was stunning! Released On: 17 Dec 2021 Available for over a year Most people will never look through a telescope. When Chu Owen met Kenya’s official astronomer Susan Murabana during a solar eclipse, they pledged to change that. Their falling in love gave birth to the Travelling Telescope – a gathering place for people to look through a telescope and observe the wonders of the night sky. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/w3ct2zvh
  11. Is it possible to defork it, and return itto the goto mount later if I sold it?
  12. A sad admission - my 9.5" Celestron GPS s getting too much for me as I dig deeper into my eighties! It can't be housed outside, so has to be hauled in and out via steps etc to set up in the garden.. Consequently it is getting used less and less., and I'm getting more and more miserable and frustrated about it. I can't really afford (justify to my wife!) purchasing new scope at my age, but I would like to try and pick up something 2nd hand that would be easier to handle . Perhaps around 10kg or less in weight. Your thoughts would be appreciated.
  13. Looking at the forecast here, I'm going to need the services of a hot air balloon to get me above the cloud cover!
  14. Cheers Wookie, found one in the back of a drawer. Works a treat. Strange though, it seem to indicate twisting the battary housiing to turn the light off. Seems a bit crude to me!
  15. Hi a quick question. I have found my polarscope illuminator doesn't contain a battery. I don't know if I lost it when unpacking my Adventurer Mini, but a certainly haven't found it. Can anyone confirm the button battery I need to get? I suspect in might well be the CR2032.
  16. FOOTNOTE: Just arrived in to post tthis morning purchased on https://www.astrobuysell.com/uk/, an upgradable, used v4 handset, that already sports the latest firmware. Problem solved.
  17. Well thanks everyone. I've got my answer (which is what I suspected) that I have a Handset to early/old to be upgradable, namerly v2.2.
  18. Here is the reason! https://www.nexstarsite.com/OddsNEnds/GPSRollover.htm Throughout that time, Celestron used GPS receivers from a variety of manufacturers. Some of the receivers are affected by the week rollover and some are not. As of April 2019, the following are known to be affected CPC mounts manufactured up until sometime in 2012 CN-16 modules NexStar 8/11 GPS mounts manufactured after sometime in late 2002, generally shipped with the version 2.2 hand control. These mounts are actually reporting a date 17 years in the past. NexStar 9.25 GPS mounts. These mounts are actually reporting a date 17 years in the past. I've soldiered on setting date/time manually since 2019, but I may be parting with my trusted NexStar GPS 9.25" soon so I feel I should install the update and have the kit working as it should.
  19. Which is exactly what I want to do, but it seems handset version before V4 cannot be upgraded. Sadly there seems no physical indication which version you have of the pre-NexStar+ sets.
  20. Well Still no definate proof what vesion the handset is. Seems to be a V4, but when I try to update its firmware I stick on the very first stage. so possibly it isn't. One is supposed to hold down the hand control's UNDO and INFO buttons at the same time and turn on the power to the scope. Release the buttons and the hand control should now display "Transmit Data...". Mine doesn't - it just starts.
  21. Here is the firmware screen under Utilities. Give me no clue as to the version of the Handset.
  22. Does this confirm it is V4? My scope is the Celestron NexStar 9.25" GPS, but bought 3rd hand so I do not know if this is the orginals Handset.
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