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Space Dragon

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Blog Comments posted by Space Dragon

  1. Stu

    I got myself a 102ED for similar reasons this Winter and am awaiting a 12' Dob. Having been used to views through a 9.25 SCT, I was curious to see the differences between the apertures and types of scopes under my suburban skies.

    Having a fairly large city to the North [Dundee] pretty much wipes out that side of the sky but South is out to farmland, so despite local light from houses and street lamps, it's not too bad. The MW is visible naked eye on good nights.

    I'm trying to get a feel for which will be the most effective but have had so few clear nights this Winter that I'm no further forward.

    My guess is that I'll end up keeping them all for differing uses.

    I lived most of my life near Richmond, so know exactly what the LP is like around you :-)



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