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Posts posted by Stargazer33

  1. Having suffered for some while with broken teeth on my Tracelscope 70s plastic focuser rack; I finally got around to doing something about it.

    First of all I cut a piece of aluminium (aluminum for our friends across the Pond 🇺🇸) the same size and dimensions as the plastic one on the focuser tube. Using the damaged one on the tube as a template, I marked out the replacement and began to file it down to size. Once this was done I copied across the positions of the valleys between the teeth onto the aluminium replacement. Using a manual mitre saw with a blade suitable for metal I cut the valleys. Some rough filing and the rack was almost complete. A hole was drilled at each end to receive a screw. I then cut off the plastic rack from the focuser tube, filed the cut flat and the glued and screwed the replacement into position.

    Due to the rough hand marking, cutting and filing it is not 100% smooth running, but at least it gives me full travel.

    A couple of pics:

                          20190811_165856.thumb.jpg.0ad14618d816a7348fcc2ece623ff804.jpg                                    20190811_165810.thumb.jpg.d4e9f8dcee44af654f1e3b9df449d13f.jpg

                              Broken plastic rack (removed).                                                     New aluminium rack glued & screwed in place

    • Like 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, Freddie said:

    This is not correct. The reference frame is the frame against which all other stacked frames will align. It is used so that you can use a single reference frame from a set of R,G and B images to ensure the individual stacks are aligned to each other. The reference frame is not used as the standard against which other frames are scored.

    Ah, thank you! (please see tag line) 🤔

  3. On 02/08/2019 at 18:43, -Joe_ said:

    4. After getting it all going and retiring indoors, notice the guiding is going crazy & star trails everywhere... go outside to find the cat using the tripod accessories tray to sit on and play with cables..


  4. Whilst looking for something else the other day I found an old PC CPU heatsink. So I decided to make a quick down & dirty passive heat exchanger for my new ZWO ASI385MC camera. Luckily I found an old aluminium bracket that I straightened; shaped; drilled a few holes in and then screwed the heatsink to. I had a bunch of raised head M4 machine screws that I used to secure the heatsink to the back plate of the camera. Great design feature of the ZWO brand to keep the back of the housing clear.

    A few photos of another Heath Robinson project.


    • Like 1
  5. 19 hours ago, Startinez said:

    I have an IR filter (not sure if they're the same thing?) but I think I couldn't find a good focus with that on, so I took it off. As for the RGB align I did choose that in Registax which took the overall colour from a murky green to the grey/blue that it is now. I did post process the curves and levels in GIMP after that though, could that have flared up the poles?

    No, an IR cut filter will cut out the red end of the spectrum going into the infra red. As apposed to an IR pass filter which will only pass the electromagnetic spectrum above red visible light (infra red).

    An ADC looks a bit like a barlow lens with a couple of levers sticking out of the side. It is used to re-focus the light that has been split by our atmosphere.

    Sounds like you did an RGB balance rather than an RGB align. If you click on the RGB align button and then click the estimate button, the program will do it for you. Sometimes is does get it wrong and you have to play with the red and blue up/down & left/right controls, which is quite easy. Zoom in to make things easier for yourself.

    Playing with GIMP(!) shouldn't effect the RGB alignment unless you split the channels into red, green and blue and then nudged the red image up and the blue image down; and then merged them back together.

    You Tube is a great source of 'How To' video tutorials for Photoshop and GIMP is very similar, so techniques used for Photoshop should transfer across. Things might be called by slightly different names or be in a different place, but they basically do the same thing.

    Good luck with your imaging and keep posting the results.

  6. Looks pretty good to me. I don't have experience of your 'scope or camera so can't comment there. It looks like you have a bit of dispersion - red fringing at top of Jupiter and blue at the bottom. Try an RGB alignment in Registax or GIMP. It should clean that up a bit. For the planets an ADC - atmospheric dispersion corrector is almost essential in the UK, especially with our damp weather and the planets being so low at the moment (seen through more atmosphere).

  7. Hi, camera arrived today. A little over 3 weeks from order. I paid £297.35 for the camera; I had to pay £24.00 import duty/tax and I had to pay £12.00 to Royal Mail for a 'handling fee'!!!

    So a total of £332.35! I saved myself a grand total of £2.65 and have had to wait 3 weeks and have worried all that time about the authenticity of the site, delivery etc.

    Conclusion: in future I will buy from Flo; get it next day or the day after and have full peace of mind that if there is anything wrong then I can return it easily.

  8. Arrived today from China via a £12.00 handling fee from Royal Mail! With duty of £24.00 and a 3 week wait from order date, I would have been better off spending a few quid more and getting it from Flo! There be another lesson.

    Zwo ASI385MC from Zwo via Ali(not so)express.


    Bring on the clouds! 

    • Like 1
  9. Hi Andrew, welcome to SGL.

    Yes ascom is still a thing, so is carte du ceil. A lot of people who guild, use PHD2. Can't help with nebulosity as I don't use it, but I have seen it mentioned on here numerous times.

    GIMP is a freeware program that is very similar to PS for processing.

    Good luck with getting into the swing of things again.😀

  10. Hi, still waiting on the camera. I have to say that the tracking information from AliExpress is pretty poor. It doesn't update for days! The last information I have is that it is awaiting customs clearance; which was posted on 25th - now 29th!!! Not sure if I'll have to pay import duty or not, or how much it might be. I will post more when I receive it.

  11. Hi, no the cameras mentioned are not cooled, but as stated in my original post, I only have about £300 to spend. A cooled camera would be considerably over my budget.

    I have got a modified Canon 1100D which I have made a coolbox for. Again, as stated in my OP, I am unhappy with my current high frame rate camera and I'm looking to upgrade that as I mainly do planetary/luna imaging, but also want to try imaging some of the brighter DSOs.

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