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Posts posted by wookie1965

  1. 1 minute ago, KevS said:

    Tend to carry my 8 x 30's on the bike, but mostly for twitching, tend not to do much astro that far North in the summer. The occasional squint at the night sky is of course allowed; that is if it gets dark enough.

    I have 10 x 42`s and they are brilliant easy see Orion`s nebula plus the trapezium, double cluster all Auriga`s clusters so in a dark site see so much more  May even be able take a lightweight tripod.

  2. 3 minutes ago, KevS said:

    Have not used that one so can't comment.  Normally once I am over or that near to the Scottish border I am on my cycle and wild camping, dropping into campsites every couple of days for R & R. Do you think there is scope on SGL  for astro friendly campsite recommendations?


    If you are riding your bike I would go for a good pair of binoculars easier to carry. Otherwise you will need a small set up I small refractor with a easy to carry mount and a couple of eyepieces.

  3. 2 hours ago, KevS said:

    This is a really good site and the skies are A1...……..when it's not raining. 


    Take lots of midge repellent after late May though.


    I have looked at that but as I would go March or October making use of the darker nights 6 amp EHU is not enough I need to run a heater for the tent and then he mount it would be tripping.

    I was looking at this one https://www.hadrianswallcampsite.co.uk/Home/TheCampsite

    • Like 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Grant said:

    We’ve still got four weeks to go, way too far off to worry about the weather!

    We will have the marquee again this year, even bigger so even if the weather is bad we will still go ahead with the various talks, workshops. Quiz, demos etc.. so it will be a good weekend no matter what the weather does 😀

    I know but its the thought of driving 2.5 hrs in the rain putting tent up in the rain and packing the tent away in the rain I do hope it gets better towards the end of the month I have been looking forward to this since I booked, meeting old friends and making new ones.

  5. Awful here high cloud Capella looked like it was in water I gave it a miss. 5am I could see Orion and Gemini looked at 7 sisters found a cluster not sure what it was at first thought it was Hyades but it was lower than that only saw it in binoculars.

    As far as anything else nothing was on show like a blanket of cloud cutting Orion off from the rest of the sky.

    Great sketches as usual.

    • Like 1
  6. Wow you had a good night clouded out here until 4am when it cleared to a beautiful dark sky but I got back in bed. Cracking drawings I love "Hagrids Dragon" hopefully come SGL we will see loads more stuff. Only ever seen M1 in my 8" I will try with the 5" but I dont hold out much hope.

    Great sketches again I am bringing my stuff down so I can sketch as well see if we match.

    I will be incorporating those objects into a couple of lists thank you for posting. 

    • Like 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, Stu said:

    Excellent session there Paul. Glad the goto is working reliably now, makes such difference when you are not battling kit problems.

    Ive put it down to only using one weight it was on the very edge of the counter weight bar and I thought it was balanced. When I went out a couple of weeks back balanced as usual but the OTA was pulling down not fast but enough, I thought if I put both weights on it would not work but tried pushed both to the top it was balanced. Crossed fingers it seems to be hitting everything now, last night everything was dead centre of the FOV unless I moved the focuser to a more comfortable position when it moved a bit but I just left it there. Tonight same again I have been dancing round the garden anyone seen me think I`m mad.

    • Haha 1
  8. 9 minutes ago, Rob Sellent said:

    What a session! You packed in some gorgeous wonders. If you've got the juices flowing, I think some nights it's great to do as you have done and do a bit of a marathon and then other nights to slow down and sketch an object or two. It's been raining and cloudy here (Spain) almost nonstop for a month, so reading through your observations is making me itch to go :smiley:

    Yes a packed a lot in after the first 5 where dead in the middle of the FOV I just carried on I did not realise how many I had hit until I came in to write it up.

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