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Posts posted by Bobby1970

  1. 1 hour ago, Thalestris24 said:

    Tempting! But knowing my luck it would be another duff one! Once bitten etc. I see you have an eq1300 gt - can I ask how you find it? I know they don't have a computer interface but maybe they are quite portable and better than a star adventurer? Do you know what the difference is between the eq1300 gt and the Bresser Exos-2 which looks like it's the same but is more expensive?



    As far as I know they are the same mount. Not sure what you mean by "no computer interface". It has GOTO and as far as I know can be guided. It's more of an EQ5 class mount I think so nothing like as portable as the SA. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Thalestris24 said:

    Hi Steve

    Thanks for your response. I think there's probably not much I can do with it that I haven't previously tried. The Darkframe tuning looks quite good but it's practically the price of a new SA! Maybe I'll just get another one though I wish there was something a bit better! An EQ3 Pro is only £200 more than an SA and is perhaps a bit more versatile...


    There was an SA for sale on astroboot for £145. If that's any use??



  3. 2 minutes ago, serbiadarksky said:

    I use the phone app for the star adventurer mini, its work perfect

    Yes, guiding can correct a BIT but you need good polar alignmet becouse its guide only in RA axis, so if I missdone the alignment even wirh guiding I still get trails sometime

    Polar alignment is the key for me, I find it very easy to do but some imagers think about hell when you mentione the PA foe them :D

    I have used the polar align feature in sharp cap a few times, it seems pretty good, the thing is, i wonder about knocking the PA out just by loosening and retightening the RA clutch to be honest. Once i get the alignment in sharp cap so it is reading just in arc seconds i call it a day and go with that. Not done any guiding yet, but it is coming soon. How much do you need to reduce ISO levels by so that you don't end up with a totally washed out image after say 5-10 mins ????

    This thread is great by the way, keep the contributions coming guys and girls :-)


    • Like 4
  4. 3 minutes ago, serbiadarksky said:

    Its not a bad image

    Maybe the focus is out a bit, and try to edit it to pull off the sand and dust betwen the stars :)

    Re the focus, i tend to just use the "focus peaking" feature on my DLSR on the live view screen. Perhaps the focus has shifted a little as i locked the focuser. I think i need to start doing some flats as well, and probably buy some decent processing software such as star tools maybe. 

    • Like 1
  5. 18 hours ago, serbiadarksky said:

    I put blood and time in thoose images :)

    This 7 images represent more than 150-160 hours of imaging,sitting in -10°C to check all the photons on the images, stacking them, editing,but firstly-no GoTo system so the hardest part is to find the target (okay maybe not for orion or Rho)but Spaghetti and Ghost nebula 

    What do you do in terms of polar alignment? I assume you don't just use the built in polar scope? 

  6. 17 minutes ago, Chris Lock said:

    Hi Shane, I've just sold an ED100 due to recent car expenses, the Bresser 90/1200 I reviewed hear was basically it's budget replacement...I bit too budget unfortunately as it turns out. However, I am curious about this new line by Bresser, I just think I picked the wrong one to try by the looks of it :( 

    I've had a few ED's -  ED80's, ED100's and once when I was really flush I had the Equinox 120. I totally agree these Synta ED's are basically spectacular for the money, but I also really rate the long focus crown and flint achromats which I've also had a few of over the years.

    Lets just say I'm in budget mode at the moment, well apart from the naughty 6mm Vixen SLV, and the Dual axis drives for my EQ3 that are on their way to me, I'm a bad man, I've not told SWMBO yet :hiding:    

    its easier to get forgiveness than getting permission. :-)

    Quite fancied a Vixen 80mf myself. Sounds like you got a real bargain. 

    Clear skies. 

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Ant-33 said:

    For guiding, I use an ST80 and QHY5l-IIc. The fov is a little over half a degree, so it's not wide enough for the Sharpcap polar alignment routine. I wondered, though, whether using a 0.5x focal reducer would work. It would bring the fov to over a degree, which is within the spec for the polar alignment routine. Does anyone have experience with this setup?

    Robin - Sharpcap is a fantastic program, and I'd like to echo the appreciation others have shown here. Awesome :blob9: :hello2:

    I had a go with my ST80, GP Cam + 0.5 focal reducer. On my Star Adventurer it seemed to work ok. 

  8. I haven't actually tried capturing any images yet. But I could only get to within "minutes" of alignment rather than "seconds" with the heavier mount. 

    I used the SA to familiarise myself with the sharpcap polar alignment prior to getting the bigger mount set up to use it on. 

    I have used the SA previously with the ST80 and DSLR though. Thought using sharpcap may help achieve some longer exposure times.  

  9. 1 hour ago, alcol620 said:

    Hi Robin

    Do you have any suggestions of how this software might be used to polar align a Skywatcher Star Adventurer? Presumably you would need a light weight guide camera and guide scope? Or is there another way?

    Thanks for your help


    I have done this with my ST80 and Altair Gp cam. Couldn't get it as close as with a eq5 type mount. But probably still useable. 

  10. Robin, thanks for the info I was struggling on a previous attempt to get my celestron 70mm travel scope to work. I think it was possibly due to thin and patchy cloud cover not allowing a decent view of the polar area. 

    I tried again last night using the same scope and it worked fine. 

    Until the front element dewed up. Lol. 

    Many thanks for the info again. Much appreciated. 

  11. 38 minutes ago, alcol620 said:

    Just had a go with the SSA and found, as Dave did,  that there was no need to use the illuminator. Simply shine a small torch over the end of the polarscope to see the circle and marking to align Polaris.

    This is what I have started doing. The illuminator is not very good imho. And useless when the dovetail is fitted. First time I used a small frac with my SA the other night and I adopted the shining the torch down polar scope approach. 

    • Like 1
  12. 26 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

    We'll have to disagree amicably on that. You think the alt az mount is the right mount for AP and I don't. This doesn't mean we have to duel to the death with loaded pistols. (I hope. I don't have one!)


    i am not claiming either mount as "THE" right or wrong mount. Both can be used, fact. Albeit with different results. Some people are happy with the ease of set up of their alt/az mounts and are also happy with the results they get.

    Its like saying a corded vacuum cleaner is the right way to vacuum your carpet when there are alternatives.

    Anyway, keep the non- EQ images coming chaps :-)

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