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Everything posted by Chuleton08

  1. That's Nice! Yes, It was a very short integration time. Had a short night, and had to delete lots of images due to objects in the foreground. And my camera isnt astro modded (Don't want to risk anything). That's the part of the milky way I wanted
  2. Thats Nice. Why is there weird stuff happening in the bottom side? Is it not enough data when stacking?
  3. Thanks Elp, I did some of the same things in Siril too. But I was unfortunate, and caught a bit of a tree on lots of my photos, so I had to delete half of them . Also a short night didn't help.
  4. Wow, thats still very good. If you have time, try the Siril one with some old flat frames. I think Siril does a better job at fixing small issues like that.
  5. Thanks, I did notice too that mine has the two nebula more visible and red. I think with me understanding more about post editing, I think I could still make a nice photo. Thanks Olly.
  6. Hi guys, Sorry for not responding. Sorry if I was not being clear, but I was struggling to edit the photos in Gimp, and turn them into a nice photo. I had a go my self, and then got someone else to try, and they did a pretty good job. This is my attempt: This is someones else go:
  7. Sorry, I Didn't Think of that 😅 MilkyWayDSS.TIF SirilWithFlats.fit SirilWithoutFlats.fit
  8. Hello Everyone! I had my second semi successful night of taking photos, and I took 26 photos of 30 sec exposures on my Canon 400d, with a 18-200mm lens @ 50mm. It was at ISO 800, and at f/5. I think I have stacked the photos correctly, and tried Siril and DSS for the stacking. However, the Siril one does not look right. If anyone can have a go, or point me towards somewhere where I can learn, that would be great. If you have any questions that might help, Please ask. Stacked Images: Stacking With DSS Stacking With Old Flat Frames In Siril Stacking Without Flat Frames In Siril
  9. Yea, someone else recommended me to take photos with a shorter focal length, so im going to see how the tracker works with that. Thanks.
  10. Hi, thanks for the reply, On reddit, I found out I was properly polar aligned, and it was more of a mechanical issue instead.
  11. Thanks for all of this. I will definitely try out some of these ideas!
  12. Thanks Viaiv for the reply, I have attached an image to here of a 30 sec exposure with the tracking on.
  13. Hello Everyone, I've just started my Astrophotography journey, and I've decided to build a DIY barn tracker which I 3D printed. I can't seem to get even a 30 second long exposure without star trails. The big wheel spins once every minute, which is correct, and I'm pretty sure its polar aligned, as when I put my phone with Polaris in Stellarium, it aligns up with everything. Maybe Its not orientated the right way or something. I have attached a photo of the set up, with north being straight on, and east being where the arm is pointing to. I am located near Chichester in the UK if that helps. If you need more details, please ask and I will try my best to respond. Thanks in Advance! Here is the Tracker Set up https://imgur.com/a/x7LWrA3
  14. I just had all the stuff laying around from a long time, so I didn't buy anything specifically, except some memory and a remote timer.
  15. Thanks 900SL and Elp for all the info! I will have a look see if I could make a diy tracker or get a different lens. Btw, here is someone's attempt at editing the same stacked image I had
  16. Isn't the higher it is the less atmosphere there is, and the lower it is, the more atmosphere? Its always good to practice.
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