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Everything posted by Chuleton08

  1. I will hopefully be able to take my camera in August to the south of Spain, and in the middle of nowhere with little to none light pollution. Hopefully by then, I would have learnt how to take the photos
  2. Got this at the end when using Siril. Does this mean my photos were bad to begin with?
  3. Wow, those photos look amazing! I don't have a sky tracker, do you think I can get away with something like a 8-9 sec exposure time? Also so now is not a good time to be taking photos as its too low? Or could i just go somewhere darker than my back garden and still get a decent photo?
  4. This is what I got. What does this mean then? I still want to try from scratch with the raw files, and process it with Siril though, I think there will be better results right?
  5. Thanks Elp for the reply, This is my first time doing astrophotography, so I'm still learning. I'm currently trying stacking again with Siril, hoping that the PP is going to be a bit better. Do you think its worth sacrificing the 2sec exposure time for something a little longer? If so what, and why. Thanks!
  6. Hi Simon, Thanks for replying. I used deep sky stacker, and I was following all the steps in the video: I think this is the file you are looking for: m31.tif
  7. Hi Guys, Last night, I attempted to take a series of 520 photos with a exposure time of 2 seconds of the Andromeda Galaxy, but got this(Click on it) when done stacking and post processing. I was using a Canon 400D with a 17-200mm sigma lens, with the length being at 200mm, and a f/5.6 (The lowest I could go). I took all the other frames(eg. light, dark bias...) and used a remote to take the photos. I think it could be because of the light pollution, or I just need more frames? I took the picture in West Sussex, England. If anyone could help me find out what's wrong, or needs more information, please comment on it, and I will get to you ASAP. Thanks!
  8. Hi Pat, Thanks for the pointer. I will go post my problem there
  9. Hi everyone, I attempted to take a photo of the Andromeda galaxy last night, but didn't go too well. I want to see what I did wrong, and I'm looking for advice. Where do I go to ask? Thanks!
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