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Everything posted by GirtAllerton

  1. Do we have any word on the progress of the Rowan hand controllers? That is the only thing I am waiting on to to make my purchase. Thanks, G
  2. Deadlake. Thank you for the clarification on the balance with heavy EPs & NV that was one of my major concerns. If I understand you correctly, you are recommending the y axis adapter but Not the altitude adjuster. Appreciated, Girt
  3. Stephen, Thank you Really appreciate your input.
  4. I've been actively following this forum from across the pond and have finally made the decision to purchase an AZ100 with Goto motors once the hand controllers come out. This is based on everything that I have read here and your positive reviews. So, I have a question for the experienced Rowan users here.. I find the accessories some what confusing and as you say this is an expensive piece of kit so I don't want to over buy. My plan is to primary mount a Vixen Ed103s and occasionally dual mount with a C-8 Celestron. Both will be used with heavy 2" EPs and a Night vision tube so balance is critical for me. Thinking Berlebach Planet for tripod. Besides two dual saddles which other accessories should I purchase? My confusion lies in the altitude adjustment plate and y axis plate with counterweights. Are both required for this set-up? Also would you consider eyepiece counterweights or are these the same as the y axis weights? What would you suggest for this set-up as absolutely necessary and as nice to have. I appreciate your time. Clear Skies, Girt Note: This will be an upgrade from my current Polaris and Super Polaris Mounts to my first tracking / Goto mount, so super excited.
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