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Everything posted by Vinnyvent84

  1. Absolutely not. My goal was never to insinuate this setup is better or superior in any way to other setups. In fact I understand it’s a bit like using a howitzer to kill a gnat. The routers for outside needed to be purchased anyway for other home automation needs. My goal was only to have a wireless connection from the scope / mount and the laptop. I have a son who is 4 and autistic and love everything space & planets. The less dangling wires outside he can trip over when he’s with me the better. In addition, if the laptop is not hardwired to the scope I could then bring it inside for him to see the livestacking and/or EAA images. So I figured if I put a headless mini PC onto the OTA then connect from the OTA to the handset (I purchased a 3D holder to switch it to the Evo’s handle rather then the tripod leg to eliminate cord wrap concerns), camera to the mini pc and focus motor / starsense plugged into the mount then I would only have a single power cord to the mini PC (Evolution mount has a internal battery). I just didn’t know what mini PC would be capable enough or if my logic wouldn’t work with my desired intentions.
  2. So honestly I despise the handset. I find its menu navigation and usage archaic and clumsy. Even though CPWI isn’t exactly state of the art (UI wise) it at least lets me use my Xbox remote to skew the scope with the left joystick and control the focus motor with the right joystick. Way finer control and more comfortable (and familiar). The WiFi is downright abysmal. I literally went out and bought a TP-Link Dece mesh system and specifically a Deco X50 outdoor mesh router to use only for my scope and Astro laptop. I was able to prioritize the scope in the TP-Link settings and force both the scope and laptop to only use 2.4 band (Evo only does 2.4) so that the laptop never wavered off looking for the best signal. The outdoor router is no more than 15 or so feet from the scope and most I ever got without a disconnect is 50-60 minutes. It doesn’t even auto reconnect. You literally have to shutdown and reconnect, sometimes multiple times. I was looking to mitigate the number of wires running from the scope and not use the HC. I know I’ll never do astrophotography of DSO’s in a Bortle 8 backyard with a 8 SCT but my thought process was as follows: If I preconfigure a headless PC and strap it to be remote controlled I can then connect my starsense auto align to the mount, Celestron focus motor to the mount, Camera to the the mini PC I can either remote in wirelessly using RDP. I can also use Ethernet if I choose since many have said remote RDP over wireless has to much delay to properly focus for planetary imaging. this in turn minimizes cable management and provides me with a solid WiFi 6 signal with WAY better range and less / no dropouts. does that make sense?
  3. Hey all. I have an Evolution 8 SCT and have quickly come to realize how horrific the Wifi is; regardless if using the Celestron connection or in Access Point mode. Therefore I was thinking of getting a Mini-PC to bypass this mounted on top of my scope. I bought a Handcontroller bracket that clips on to the Evolutions Handle and if I can have a new bracket made to hold both this mini-pc and the HC that would be great or I can mount it on top of the scope. In my mind - by doing this I get Wifi 6 capability which bypasses Celestrons antenna. Connect this Mini-PC to the HC, connect my Planetary Camera (ZWO ASI678MC) to the mini PC and than just run an HDMI to my laptop acting as a monitor / keyboard. Does this make sense to everyone here or am I crazy? I found this mini-pc and its attractive due to its small size and minimal weight. Just unsure if its powerful enough to run CPWI, Sharpcap and the Planetary camera without worrying about frame loss in my planetary imaging or freeze ups on the mini pc. mini pc: https://www.amazon.com/GMKtec-Office-Mini-Computers-N100/dp/B0C9CDZV6N?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1 Any advice or help would be great!
  4. Couldn’t I theoretically used a DC to USB step up cable into the Evo mount for the plus? such as the one in the link below? https://www.ledsupply.com/accessories/usb-step-up-converter-12v-dc#:~:text=USB ports within computers%2C batter,5.5mm DC barrel jack.
  5. Good day everyone! looking for some guidance here please. I have a Celestron Nexstar Evolution 8 telescope and want some advice about the USB port on the mount. I am currently thinking of getting an ASIAir Plus. The easy factor and speed a very appealing as I am new if I just want to start out doing planetary images, EAA and regular visual observation. If I decide to get it I am thinking of returning my celestron focus motor and swapping for the ZWO EAF. Still seriously considering this but before I decide I wanted to know about powering it. is it possible to use the USB on the Evolution mount to power the ASIair Plus and then subsequently plus my ASI camera and focus motor into the ASI plus? If it’s even possible I know it will greatly reduce the Evolutions battery life but honestly even if I can push 3 or 4 hours instead of 10 that would be fine. Thanks in advance for any advice (on any of these pending decisions as well)!
  6. Thank you both! I actually had a question pop in my head. When using the astronomy.tools FOV calculator I noticed the 678 camera for example - displays Jupiter in a smaller view then going a 224mc camera with a 2x Barlow or the suggested 585 with a 1.5x Barlow. I know you have to do that computation to determine what or if a Barlow is best compared to scope and pixel size but I am more interested in capturing shots that are larger then a tiny little dot. Is this something you address through cropping later without loosing detail? Or something when you set the smaller ROI while recording which “zooms” it in? I definitely don’t want a larger but really blurry image either so just not sure if this is something you address through software to do it correctly or through a Barlow ?
  7. Ok so if i may ask you both because i didnt hit the purchase button yet - if you had to make a choice and say "best planetary and lunar images you could get" as priority one and decently distant second priority being capturing DSO's what camera would you go with the ZWO 678 or ZWO 585? The pricing seems about $100 difference so wont make or break me either way in that regard...i just fear getting degraded planetary / lunar pics for the sake of DSO's (which is harder for me to capture anyway due to the LP and seeing conditions where I live). If you think the 585 would capture the same quality planetary and lunar pics (or maybe better?) I will have no issue getting that one (along with 1.5 barlow as mentioned). i just fear 585 is getting jack of all trades master of none?
  8. Gotcha, and it definitely makes sense. Honestly the mount made sense due to my specific situation. I read EQ mounts are MUCH harder to get setup and ready to go - due to me living in NYC I can’t just leave the mount out in my yard after observing / using it. I have to bring it downstairs in my den from my yard after each use. Between that, the bigger size and weight moving it every time and the cost being substantially more then even the scope itself I held off on getting an upgrade. I did see those new ZWO AZ mounts requiring no counterweights and less bulky but my lord they start at 2k! In my mind it felt wrong spending 2k to mount a 6SE scope, in a light polluted / generally poor seeing conditions area to boot.
  9. Thank you both. I’m going to play my order for the camera tonight. You both may know this… I read that I may need to use my diagnol (Baader prism) in order to achieve clearance to the base when approaching zenith. so optimal setup if I understand would be scope, focal reducer, camera. BUT I wouldn’t be able to do that and would need to keep my diagonal in place resulting in scope, focal reducer, diagnol, camera ?
  10. Thanks for explaining Peter! lol now I’m just nervous that I got a subpar scope & mount that doesn’t seem capable of much 🤯
  11. Sheesh I’m starting to feel like maybe I made a big mistake in my purchase of that telescope 😟
  12. Thank you Peter! If I may ask, again sorry I’m new - what you mean by 2x2 bin?
  13. Thanks Chopples - I feel better about going the 678 route now as well. I also already have the reducer as well. I never even thought about remoting in from your Mac. Mind if I ask what you use to do that?
  14. Thank you Elp, sound advice indeed. I think I will go the route of the laptop I mentioned earlier as yes there are Mac options out there but I also feel it’s a compromise game when you go that route and can often require work arounds. I invested a decent nut into this so just getting a dedicated windows laptop that will last me at least a few years and allow me to run Sharpcap and other post processing software natively is probably best. And Sharpcap all though not totally free is 15 bucks for a year so not the end of the world
  15. Thanks for the robust response Peter! I actually did not know I could use SkySafari for mount control and alignment while also using Sharpcap for camera control and live stacking. I thought it was a choice of going all in on one direction vs the other. as for the camera I was so stuck for weeks. Honestly I’m still at 90% sure for the 678 but I was debating the 224 as it’s so popular and slightly higher FPS which is better for lunar and planetary. Ultimately I felt the bigger Fov, new tech and no Amp glow outweighed it but the choices are so numerous between 150-500 (my budget) that it’s daunting! I would love to do some DSO experimenting and I read you can “dabble” in it with that camera but due to my high light pollution and generally crappy seeing conditions I figured staying in lunar and planetary would probably be best for now especially as a beginner.
  16. Thanks Chopples! I actually use the StarSense Auto Align to plate solve when I first start the scope. The 678 I will likely pick up to do planetary and lunar images. I do have an M1 Pro Max MacBook Pro 14inch and saw those programs you mentioned. Firecapture is definitely mentioned often and I’m sure no slouch but I believe Sharpcap seems the gold standard. And honestly I would rather be brining out a more affordable dedicated windows laptop to use just for this purpose then my much more expensive MacBook Pro. I appreciate the keeping it simple part and believe me that’s my goal. I just want to make sure I’m pointed in the right direction with the right software so I don’t realize months down the line I should have went in “X” direction instead and could have had much more knowledge and experience in with that course - if I’m making any sense lol
  17. That’s good to know and thank you for clarifying. So in your perspective I take it since you are a user of it you suggest going the ASI Air plus route over sharpcap? If so is it due to the ease of it and less “tinkering”? Do you feel you loose anything by not going sharpcap route?
  18. Hello all! I am finding my head spinning on what direction to go in when it comes to going EAA with my current equipment vs the software needed to control and then edit the images I get. I have REALLY tried reading up on any articles I could find, threads on cloudy nights as well as stargazers lounge and whatever YouTube videos I could find. All where helpful no doubt but often the more information I get it seems the harder it becomes for me to make a decision on how to move forward. I live in a Brooklyn, NY (Bortle 8-9) and plan to do most of my work from my yard and possibly a nearby park. I do plan to travel with scope moreso in the spring and summer months if I can but the main point is 85% or more of the time will likely be used right here at home. I have the following: - Nexstar 6SE with Alt/Az Go-to mount - StarSense Auto Align (has worked flawless for me so far) - Celestron WiFi Module I only have the scope about a month but for the days weather permitted I loved using it for visual and will continue to do so. I seamlessly connect and control my scope with SkySafari 7 and it has been an easily and seamless process! But Im really interested in doing Planetary Imaging with EAA and have landed on buying a ZWO ASI678MC in the very near future to do this. Before I take the plunge this is what’s driving me nuts: I am BRAND new at this, the learning curve is steep and I am currently knee deep in the Apple / Mac ecosystem. I love the idea of “push the easy button” offerings of ZWO ASIair plus and can use my iPad to do the control and capturing of images from what I understand. It takes a big lift off the learning curve (apparently) and plays nice with Apple products. However, from what I understand it would render my SSAA and Celestron WiFi module useless meaning I would have to sell them. If I ever want to use a mechanical focuser it has to be ZWO and they don’t make one for the 6SE (I noticed they make aftermarket products to retrofit one, seems a bit scary for me but not terribly so). I would then have to use the ZWO ASI120 I was gifted by a friend to do plate solving / go-to rather then my SSAA. BUT! Everything I read here points you in the direction of Sharpcap for Planetary Imaging, most of what I read says it’s so easy to use but the screenshots I’ve seen tend to give me the impression it’s more of the old school look and feel programs and ALOT of the lingo people throw around when it comes to having to tinker with settings seems daunting and maybe it’s easy to others since they have been doing it so long. However, if I go this route I can use all my equipment and not have to sell anything and would just need to pickup a cheap / used (but capable) windows based laptop and from what I can tell that would likely be beneficial when it comes to post processing anyway and the game for this software really is centered in a windows world. Either scenario involves some additional spending whether it be a ASIair Plus or windows based laptop which doesn’t overly concern me but I just don’t want to spend “in the wrong direction” and regret it later. I want to go the easier route which seems ASIair plus but I’m afraid it won’t allow me to do / learn post processing because from what I understand it doesn’t save subs? Will it now allow for as good quality images as Sharpcap? I don’t want to get myself in a position where a hobby I’m really interested in and want to pursue becomes so daunting that it turns into more of a frustration then enjoyment. I’m thinking baby steps to get myself better understanding in all this is better but to all of you I digress. Would you all please provide your opinion / direction that you would do if in my shoes? Again, I thank all you here for your valuable experience and insight!
  19. Thank you! Funny enough I think I already have become fascinated with EAA. I’ve seen some pics that posters have shown that are stunning the exact scope and mount using a ZWO planetary camera. Before a camera I have been eyeballing as maybe a birthday gift to myself this summer is a mechanical focuser. I’m stuck because ZWO makes an auto focuser but I would need to buy a mod and do some tinkering. Never worked on a telescope but generally handy so it is a bit scary but not impossible. On the other hand celestron makes one specifically for the scope that’s super easy install but does NOT autofocus. I’m torn which I should get
  20. Thank you for all the good feedback and tips. And happy new year and merry Christmas to you! A couple of things I want to unpack based your response: 1. Do you think the difference is large enough for me to return the 6SE and get the 8SE? It would cost me a 135$ just in restocking fee alone, plus I have to pack it back up again and return it to the store. If it’s a difference that would make someone go wow I definitely see that distinction and it’s worth the headache, fees and added cost then I will absolutely consider doing that. 2. In regard to eyepieces. I still have not had any clear skies to test them out yet. It’s been 85%+ cloud cover since I got it out on Christmas. That being said can my scope take advantage of the 82 degree field of view? And also I see recommended the 8.8 and 6.7. Aren’t those pretty high mag for my bortle and seeing conditions here in NYC, especially the 6.7? I was considering a Televue Delite 7mm but for this very reason I just stated I held off. If it’s a piece I could use fairly regularly I have no problem spending it but if it’s an eyepiece I’ll use 3x a year then that’s likely another story. thanks in advance!
  21. Thank you! I was contemplating the TV Delite 7mm as I was told it’s actually more like 6.5. But it comes a decently high price before I was able to even see how my current Celestron X-Cel 7mm does. If I manage to get good views at some point depending on conditions this option you gave looks like a reasonable cost to give it a try if the 7mm happens to work out well.
  22. Thank you for clarifying that’s what I figured but just wanted to make sure it was more a scope / location limiter and not quality of product one.
  23. Thanks Mr. Spock! I probably should have made a more apples to apples comparison. If I were to use a 2x Televue Barlow vs a 2x ES Focal Extender would there be a distinguishable difference in detail at the same magnification between the two?
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