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Andry the Stargazer

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  1. Are there abreviations for Achromatic and Apochromatic apart from Achro and Apochro?
  2. Oh. Well then, good thing I haven't started trying yet!
  3. Good to know, that's nice! I'm actually thinking of maybe trying to make a cloud filter, by identifying what bands clouds absorb less or just don't, and extracting those to give at least some vision through the cloud. Might not work but who knows?
  4. Thanks, that helps explain it. Also, you'd probably end up with a similar problem to Infrared: Too much outside exposure! Wifi towers are everywhere now, and a mobile device or TV in your neighbours house will blot out everything anyway right? Infrared cameras have to see through the heat of everything radiating. Not easy either. That's why those are in space.
  5. Does anyone know if a camera that picks up on radio waves exists for amateur telescopes? If not, why?
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