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Everything posted by Adam_Wade

  1. I like the Tenba bag the best so far. Seems much more roomy than the Pelican cases I was looking at as well. Thank you for the recommendation.
  2. The Really Useful box and Wex bag are just the types I was looking for. I appreciate it!
  3. Does anyone here have a case or bag recommendations for this mount and/or the tripod (Berlebach Planet)? I like to observe at a site a short drive from my house, and am looking for a more elegant solution than reusing the DHL cardboard box it shipped in.
  4. Correct! I definitely want to use this mount manually for several months and observing sessions. After seeing how it handles a 120ED + C11 side by side, then possibly order the GoTo motors—and also once reviews of Rowan’s upcoming hand controller exist. I only observe from a dark site (Class 2 Bortle) several hours away from my city by car. I want to see how quickly I can pack the mount and tripod in my car and then reassemble at the site.
  5. Heads up for American buyers for this mount: add about $200 or 6% extra to the purchase price, due to the import duty. DHL gives you 5 days to decide before returning the parcel back to England. The estimated total is $4100 for the AZ100 package: $2600 for mount (+ encoders + various accessories like the pier) $200 for mount import taxes $915 for tripod (Berlebach Planet) $400 for Nexus DSC Pro I bought this as a 30th birthday present/splurge for me, and I hope it lasts for many years unlike my Celestron mount.
  6. @Stephenstargazer I ordered the AZ100 mount with encoders (but no motors) exactly for the reasons you described: the slow-motion controls, even with motors turned off, feel different and "have more resistance" per the manual. @swsantos I am glad you installed the GoTo kit yourself and found it easy. Had that not been the case, I would have ordered the motor kit with the mount yesterday. I even watched the YouTube videos showing how it's done. I have never used a Push-To or Alt-Az mount before, coming from an AVX. I wanted to experience what a high-end manual mount feels like with high-power views and only slow motion controls. Besides, the GoTo kit at 1200 GBP/~1500 USD is a lot of change for me. Prior to the pandemic, I remember when that amount could get you a very decent mount + tripod.
  7. Thank you for the detailed explanation! Order has been placed. The amount for the tripod and mount was 3x what I had originally planned, but that is why I also missed out on the T-Rex mount when it was widely available.
  8. Rowan owners, I need your advice please on which configuration would be best, GoTo or Push To. i) AZ100 + Encoders + GoTo motors or ii) AZ100 + Encoders + DSC Pro Assume you had the Berlebach Planet tripod and were dual-mounting a 120ED (20 lbs total) and a C11 (35 lbs). Magnification of targets generally from 120x-280x. I would prefer keeping the mount simple to use and set up with minimal technology--given a negative experience with an AVX GoTo GEM.
  9. I forgot to respond to you earlier. Thank you for mentioning a mount which wasn’t on my radar. I am physically active and young so mount head/tripod weight is not a concern for me, unless over 100 lbs. I likely will just order the AZ100 (or similar) without any motors to have a sturdy and simple alt-az mount. It’s similar to why I have Bluetooth and wired headphones. It feels good to just plug and play something in a 3.5mm jack.
  10. Thank you for sharing. Page 8 is key. I wanted a mount that I can pick up with the 120ED on it and start observing within seconds from my rooftop balcony. No power supply or phone or cables needed. This is 90% of my observing session due to my career. The AZ100 can function that way, but not if I order it with the GoTo motor configuration. I think I may need to buy two mounts to get what I want. An unpowered high quality alt-az for quick sessions after work and a GoTo mount for dark site trips 2-3x/year.
  11. I will try this. Thank you. I ordered a replacement hand controller, cleaned out all the connection points with isopropyl alcohol, and switched from lithium battery to in-wall power supply. No luck with those. The astro shop from where I purchased the mount diagnosed it and checked the connections. They suggested sending it back to Celestron since they could not identify the issue.
  12. From my understanding, if you order the AZ100 with encoders + GoTo motors, 1. You have the option of using it with or without electric power? 2. If so how quickly can you transition between powered and manual mode? I wasted 10h driving to and from a dark site because my AVX didn’t work, and using it manually is not feasible at higher powers. Given the enthusiasm here I think the Rowan will be my pick.
  13. Hello everyone. I am looking for suggestions for a replacement mount for my 120ED refractor (about 22 lbs/10 kg total with EPs and accessories). I am drawn to a manual alt-az such as the Gibraltar, and admire the simplicity, the lack of electricity/cables/hand controllers, etc. However, it would be nice to have optional GoTo capability along with tracking for high-magnification objects. Current contenders include: TV Gibraltar HD5 Rowan AZ100 NoH Mount CT-30 DiscMount DM-6 Desert Sky DSV-3 I currently have a AVX with Error Code 16/17 issues. Due to 2-way shipping and repair costs from Celestron, I am not sure what to do with it given that I bought it for $650 in 2013.
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