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Leti Theobald

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Everything posted by Leti Theobald

  1. Thanks! I saw that and it looked quite complicated. I guess I just need to learn manual processing at Siril. I’ll have a go
  2. Hello all, beginner here. I’ve just started understanding a bit better how Siril works and have been using the pre loaded stacks but clearly that does not work with the comet as it stacks the stars and the comet becomes a big blur. Is there a simple way to stack the comet and ignore the stars? single frame below ☺️
  3. All sorted, just needs a better computer. Running smoothly although I’m now broke thank you all!
  4. My Mac is around 8 years old so the stores in 250gb. But I’ll have a look, I’ve been looking for an excuse not buy a new one 😊 wont worry about the RAM too much though, that was the most expensive part
  5. Considering upgrading my laptop. Would 32gb of RAM be enough? 1Tb storage. Could upgrade to 64gb and 2Tb but it’s so expensive!
  6. Because I have a Mac I can’t run DSS. Do you have any other suggestions?
  7. My SSD is connect via USB. Is that an issue? Will check the rest as well. Thank you!
  8. Hello all, I wonder if you seen this happen before. I’m trying to stack around 300 30” images of the Pleiades in Siril. I tried to do it using my computer hard drive but it needed to many GB so I’m using my SSD instead. When I was using my hard drive the processing was much faster but due to short storage it stopped half way through. Now that I’m using my SSD it has been 10 hours already and it’s still pre processing! any advice?
  9. Hi, not sure you will know this, I really want to just keep the 4000d but I've tried everything I cannot do longer than 30 seconds exposures unless i keep pressing the button in bulb mode. The canon app won't allow me to go over 30 seconds either or do more than 10 frames at a time. Am I completely missing something?
  10. Thanks, I did and they are replacing it for me ☺️
  11. Thanks Steve! Also, thanks again for lending me the power supply! FLO is sending me a new box so hopefully it will all work out ☺️
  12. Thanks, I’ll have a look. The controlling via the app isn’t great. It keeps disconnecting and also only goes to 30 seconds from what I can see. I’ll check out the software. Thank you!
  13. I wasn’t sure where to post this but I’m so happy. Tonight I used my HEQ5 mount for the first time and also did my first star stacking. It’s only 100 pictures of 30 seconds and I don’t know how to use Affinity photos very well yet but I’ve managed to take this photo and I’m really excited. Any tips on how to improve always welcomed ☺️
  14. I wasn’t sure where to post this but I’m so happy. Tonight I used my HEQ5 mount for the first time and also did my first star stacking. It’s only 100 pictures of 30 seconds and I don’t know how to sue Affinity photos very well yet but I’ve managed to take this photo and I’m really excited. Any tips on how to improve always welcomed ☺️
  15. So, I’ve just started Astrophotography and at the moment I’m using a Canon IOS 4000d which doesn’t work that well as I can’t use a remote timer with it and it’s quite a beginners camera. im thinking of getting a Astro modified Canon. Any recommendations of which one I should get? Hoping to find a second hand one
  16. Thank you so much, so: There is light on the PSU There is no light on the cable but if I insert the cable on my car cigarette lighter it lights up. So by elimination it’s not fully inserted but honestly I can’t insert any deeper! I’ve tried wiggling around. I’ve check the tip thing and it looks ok. Putting so pictures to see if you notice something weird.
  17. Unfortunately don’t have anything to see if there is any voltage coming out. Tried the pencil measurement and it seems just deep enough 🙁 I’ve “wiggled it” quite a bit and got nothing ! Running out of ideas
  18. I’ve tested the cable on the car and it worked. Can’t see any on/off socket
  19. I’m putting it in the cap but nothing happens. I’ve tested the cable on the car and it worked. Can’t see any on/off socket
  20. So I got it, now I’m trying to plug the cigarette lighter cable that came with the mount into the box but it won’t turn on. Is this not the right way?
  21. So I got it, now I’m trying to plug the cigarette lighter cable that came with the mount into the box but it won’t turn on. Is this not the right way?
  22. So I got it, now I’m trying to plug the cigarette lighter cable that came with the mount into the box but it won’t turn on. Is this not the right way?
  23. If I get these will it power my HEQ5 mount ok? Nevada PS-08 6-8A Regulated Linear Power Supply https://www.firstlightoptics.com/batteries-powerpacks/nevada-ps-08-6a-8a-regulated-linear-power-supply.html
  24. Hi All, I've just started my astrophotography adventure and I've been looking for the Sky-Watcher HEQ5 PRO Go-To Astronomy Mount but out of stock everywhere! Does anyone have any tips where I can get one? (Edited: Got it, thank you for the tips) Thank you! Leti
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