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Everything posted by JonHigh

  1. Hi all i hope you can help out? I have a ZWO ASI585MC that I have been using for planetary imaging and more recently turned it to DSO AP until I get a ASI533. The issue I have been having, as the title suggests are that it saves the Fits files with incorrect colours. I have been using SharpCap with great success especially at LiveStacking and saves correctly, however as soon as I open the raw fits files they are all blue. I use Siril to force change the bayer pattern in its settings but that either comes out blue or green depending on the pattern selected. It seems that it saves as BGGR not RGGB. I understand the fits reads the bayer pattern back to front so to speak but can’t work out how to make it see correctly or at least save correctly to start with? I have tried different settings in SharpCap and I’m at a loss as to what I am either missing or simply not doing. I turn to you for help and advice. Please. Thanks. Jon
  2. I’m set on getting either a SCT or a Mak. Just trying to work out 6, 7 or 8” I think I’m starting to get aperture fever!!
  3. Hi and thanks for your reply. I get the feeling the 5" will be a bit of a waste of time. Thanks to one and all! Funnily enough, I bought a plate to fix my old ETX to mount it on the HEQ5 as the original fork mount was terrible but I lived with it for many years. So happy I got the new mount! It really has given the ETX a new lease of life. I think the SkyMax 150/180 or C8 is on the Christmas list if she will let me! lol I was told not to tighten anything too much when it comes to astronomy equipment. So thanks for confirming these things. Jon
  4. I was looking at £1000 mark as I have already spent a small fortune on the kit I have. Thank you for confirming my thoughts re 5". Yes, seeing conditions aren't the best to say the least but at least I'm not in the middle of the city! Thanks for giving me an idea of size limitations, although I not sure my budget could get me there and there's a certain someone that might put the breaks on that! LOL
  5. Thank you for your swift reply. That was another reason why I wanted the mount. The ETX base isn’t the best by a long shot especially now I have the Heq5! Sure I understand about apertures coming from a photography background. Should have mentioned that. Lol. Going from the old ETX 90 to say the 127, would that be enough of an upgrade or would I be disappointed in the results? Also thinking about costs as I have just spent a small fortune! 🙈I also want to spend wisely! Thanks. Jon
  6. Hi there. I hope someone can help me out. I have been dipping in and out in astronomy for some 25 years now, pottering about with my Meade ETX 90EC. It’s been all over the British Isles and abroad. Also done photography with it via my DSLR (lunar, solar and Jupiter). I have recently caught the bug again and wanted to go more towards DSO astrophotography so bought a Sky-Watcher HEQ5 Pro mount, an Evolux 82ed, ZWO camera, guide, etc. Been a bit of a learning curve but a highly enjoyable one! So my question is, I would like to upgrade from my ETX for some a little bit more serious. I was considering the SkyMax 127 but is that enough of an upgrade for lunar and planetary photography or would SkyMax 150/180 or similar be a better bet? I would probably keep my ETX as a grab and go, maybe! Advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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